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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sawbonz

  1. To the victor went the spoils up until the 20th century
  2. Admit what what is? Go ahead and tell us and answer my questions upthread about home loans
  3. And yet you won’t demonstrate that knowledge for us interesting
  4. Man I wish I had thought to stroll around campus with a walking stick
  5. I really don’t think he’s bright enough to argue in bad faith. He really thinks Tulsa and Rosewood had nothing to do with skin color, and blacks in the south had no interest in voting
  6. You think blacks and whites in the post ww2 US were given home loans based on the same criteria? How about in 2022? Be sure and support your answer with links
  7. You think it warrants the attention of the state (and presumably federal) government. So yes you are scared You really should at least be able to give a proper explanation of what it is. Be something to talk about when your daughter brings her black boyfriend (or girlfriend) home for dinner
  8. A cursory look at the violations shows they were for payments to players. Now that we have NIL it seems kind of dumb to make a big deal about that type of past offense. Had they won a national championship I could see stripping it, but punishing current/future players for paying those former players a fraction of what current players get seems silly IMO
  9. People get upset when their elected officials cause irreparable damage to their education system tilting at windmills to court the votes of mouth breathers. Yes. the saddest thing is you are scared of something that you can’t even define
  10. So you think it is useful to expend time and resources pushing legislation to ban things that aren’t actually happening? interesting
  11. Lol. Which of his Florida policies have been good for that state in your opinion much less would be good applied to the country as a whole?
  12. I’m kind of surprised no one offered to meet him outside to discuss house etiquette
  13. Never give an important task to someone whose eyes are that close together
  14. VP has 2 jobs: have a pulse and break ties in the senate
  15. In the senate getting shit done
  16. Who tf lets their kids in that guy’s Sunday school class?
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