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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. I know the producers have a right to make a film about a living person but seems a bit shady to make an unauthorized film about someone that doesn't seem to have ever harmed anyone.
  2. I've always been slightly surprised that Ted, or his father, never changed Cruz to Cruise. Or something else more Anglicized.
  3. SIAP. What’s up with Nikki and names? I’m just reading that she disliked that her then-boyfriend-now husband’s name was Bill when she met him. His first name is William and he went by Bill. Nikki decided that his middle name Michael was a better fit, so she asked that everyone call him Michael which they did. He goes by Michael now. to be clear, this is Nikki’s telling of the story in her book and not someone making up a story. i can maybe understand that a girlfriend prefers to call a boyfriend William instead of Bill. Very weird to require that everyone start using his middle name too. Of course she decided to go by her less formal middle name of Nikki.
  4. How many people does that actually impact? And is the impact meaningful? Isn’t it something to do with after tax dollars in your pretax account and then you want to convert it to a Roth IRA.
  5. Agree but earlier and better screening isn’t going to lower the cancer rate. It should lead to better outcomes.
  6. Has Paxton found the secret formula to break the law as AG at least in terms of civil cases? Do whatever you want, let the others file civil suits against you, cave just before any deposition, and the suit winners can never collect the judgement dollar amounts?
  7. Can’t wait for her at the cnn townhall tonight in terms of addressing her ridiculous statement that America has never been a racist country. I assume she will treat this stupid comment like she did with the Civil War/slavery screwup. ”I’m not saying that America hasn’t had racists or even racist laws and policies. I was saying that in their heart, good American people are not and have never been racist.”
  8. Can Paxton just declare that he’s not fighting the case and accept the judgement? I don’t understand who is paying since the Legislature refused to do so. Is it just out of the AG’s budget?
  9. How much money have taxpayers paid so that Paxton had a free home remodel and fighting the corruption charges in the Legislature and courts?
  10. It would seem like it would be embarrassing for her to get her ass kicked in SC only to drop out afterwards.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these homeschools or pods unchecked in their teaching methods or results? I don't personally care if parents teach their kids correctly or not. There is no law in being a bad parent. However if these schools ultimately receive my tax dollars, then they should be held to standards regardless if my kid is there or not. If you want state money, then you should be required to meet standards.
  12. Is Vivek becoming an open Trump supporter in hopes of receiving a cabinet post?
  13. It's inevitable that companies will offer the exact curriculum that our politicians demand, and then they will offer it up online. Pay a local $12/hr to act as a proctor or babysitter. The one teacher will get paid well to teach 1000s of students but the "school" will rake in profits.
  14. Old(er) men often want to lecture people about manners. It's never a good look. A coach should never lecture the players on the other team about their behavior. If you have a problem with them, talk to their coach.
  15. The Bible thumpers in the Texas House and Senate really wanted to compare book ratings with nutrition labels as both being facts? I'm surprised that the law was requiring the publishers to set the ratings. I would have thought this would have been assigned to the Moms for Liberty and not actually require that they read the books.
  16. That quite the call back there. As for plagiarism claims, my understanding is that word is being used too broadly here for everyone in these stories. Plagiarism is using someone else's work as your own. Poor citation is not plagiarism unless you're your main points are coming from the uncited source. If you're listing facts from Wikipedia without citation, I somehow doubt those facts are the point of a dissertation.
  17. His continued drug abuse explains his November comments where he portrayed himself as being mistreated by society due to being a white billionaire.
  18. During these freezes I’m tempted to turn off water at the meter and drain as much water out of the pipes as possible. Turn off the water heater as well. i can use bottled water to drink and fill up a few buckets for flushing the toilets and washing. Besides not having a hot shower for a couple of days, are there any downsides to this?
  19. There are plenty of ignorant white people who think all "non-whites" fit into 3 categories: Mexican, Chinese or Muslim. And a certain percent will use other phrases to describe those 3 categories.
  20. Hence why Trump doesn't need a nickname for Nikki other than Nimarata. Also why he likes to say Barack Hussein Obama. Does Trump also include Randhawa when calling her by name?
  21. If you're a 40+ homeowner who makes more than the average income, it's almost impossible that you're not better off today than you were in 2020 (pandemic) or even 2019 (pre-pandemic.) Or if you're worse off today, you've either had bad luck or made some bad decisions. I bet Ted Cruz is worth several million more today than he was in 2019. If not much more.
  22. If he loses NH, he will also attack NH in that the election was rigged and most likely fake votes were submitted. Did Trump ever acknowledge that he didn't win each 2016 primary or caucus? I believe Cruz won a few and maybe Rubio one or two.
  23. Caucuses are bad to fully judge how well a candidate does, and the IA weather this year made it a doubly poor indicator but it's horrible for Trump if he only can only get 50% of the vote against DeSantis, Haley and Vivek. While he's obviously not the incumbent, Trump isn't far from it in the eyes of the GOP. If Biden and the Dems would have held an IA caucus this week, and Biden would have only received 50%, there would be Dem calls for him to drop out. If Trump can't pull 70% in NH, NV, SC and MI in the next month, I see it as a sign that there are too many Never Trumpers out there. Sure some would come around to vote against Biden but not all. Trump needs Haley and DeSantis to drop out ASAP to hide this weakness. Biden needs them both to stay in.
  24. If Trump can beat Haley in NH, he runs the table. A loss for her there will place a decision on whether she wants to continue to run only in the hopes that Trump has to bow out for whatever reason.
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