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Posts posted by jimmyjazz

  1. 6 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

    Also, why shouldn't a "relatively normal person without a record" be able to purchase a handgun? That certainly describes me!

    I don't think you should be prevented from purchasing a handgun.  I do think it's reasonable to place waiting periods on all gun purchases so as to help mitigate sudden emotional states, etc.

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  2. I'm not up on all the details -- was the girl the one swinging the 2x4?

    Agreed that self-defense is not unjustifiable, and those guys are trained to shoot center mass, regardless.  If a cop is pulling the trigger you're likely going to suffer some serious injury (or he's going to miss).

  3. On 5/21/2018 at 7:06 PM, Buzzrock said:

    No, I will not “sing along with the ‘mando’ to some kind of hip-hop beat.”

    Fuck. You.


    Man, that is bad.  Real bad.  I don't know whether to be more infuriated by the singer's faux Puerto Rican accent on "gettin'" (swallowing his t's) or the drummer's Peter Pan hair and hipster 'stache.

    Or maybe it's just the really shitty song.

  4. Good lord, man.  The CoS is well known to completely reject the tenets of psychiatry.  It is not an objective, peer-reviewed study.  Just give it the fuck up.

    (But you won't, because you're a troll and a fool.)

  5. 15 minutes ago, HoustonHorn said:

    What is the main cause?

    It sure isn't ADHD meds.  This is yet another stupid deflection promulgated by the NRA that the ignorant right wingers have seized upon and now they're running with it like good little foot soldiers.

  6. 8 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    You should go back and read what I posted. The main cause is dissociative disorders, which cause the person with psychological problems all drugged up on SSRIs to go nuts. The violent video games aren't the problem, but it's pretty obvious when someone with dissociative disorders replaces their normal social activity with violent video games where their mind goes during an psychotic episode.

    You're a lunatic.  That is not the main cause despite what Ollie North wants you to believe, you fool.

  7. 9 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I'm glad you admit you are delusional and anti-gun. Why don't you move to New York, I think it's a complete gun-free utopia. 

    Funny how you think criminals and mentally unstable people are going be successfully used to take away right of self defense from law abiding people. Don't you realize that all police and ex-military live in the real world, and don't want a complete police state in the US like they have in Euroop?

    I invite you to read a bit about the problems, do you have any solutions other than some looney gun confiscation from law abiding citizens?

    Please read -


    Could you stop linking "studies" by the Church of Fucking Scientology?


    4 minutes ago, gsoda3 said:

    if you're defining rock from a musical point of view it doesn't fit.  there's the element of rebellion and antiestablishmentarianism sure, but that's not enough to classify it as punk rock, since it has to satisfy a musical standard as well. 

    Sure, and I don't think Grohl was saying it is another flavor of The Sex Pistols.  He's just saying it has supplanted punk rock with today's youth.

    He obviously gets that it's a stretch if you want to be completely rigorous.  He said "it depends on how you define 'punk rock'".

  9. 13 minutes ago, JohnRedHorn said:

    Did you click the link or read Hugo's tweet? Our government is separating children from their mothers then just losing track of them to be harmed or done with whatever anyone wants. That's on a strong path towards Holocaust activity because it's treating humans as non human. Our government is that evil and we are shamed into supporting it with political propaganda. 

    I'm not downplaying the horror of losing track of over 1,500 children, but it seems you are distorting the truth a bit.  The article states that the children in question all showed up at the border alone.

    That said, we are separating some children from parents, the justification for which I cannot fathom.

  10. I'm sure sheeeit was equally concerned and inquisitive when Hillary was being investigated for Benghazi and her emails (and private server).  Not to mention Whitewater, Vince Foster's suicide, etc.

    He is nothing more than a white knight who seeks the truth.

  11. Does it matter if it's rock?   (Not talking about this thread, but to Dave Grohl's point.)

    I'm not sure I'd draw too much of a link between Lil Pump and punk rock but the point is valid.  It's music young kids listen to that their parents hate.  Old book, next chapter.

  12. 17 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I agree with taking some preventive measures at the school, but the root cause is the kid or young adult. 

    Long story short, if you want to prevent school shootings, you have to look into what is causing them. The disassociation disorder is caused when the social outcasts are fed drugs to solve their problems. Combine this with what activities replace their social activity... violent video games and movies. They have a chemical imbalance caused by being "left out" of normal social activity at school, instead of fixing that by teaching them ways to make friends and giving them things to do in the real world, they feed them drugs. Fucked up to try and solve mental problems with drugs instead of therapy and group activity. More fucked up to leave them alone to play violent video games with the drugs in their system, it trains them to disassociate from themselves and others even worse. 


    Come on, man. Scientologists?  Troll harder.

  13. 38 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    When a company likes Remington is facing bankruptcy in this guns-for-all, pro-2nd amendment environment, how are gun companies going to survive a more regulated life?

    More to the point, who cares?

  14. You are correct, it was a case regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.  According to what I've read, it holds in the workplace, as well as housing and schools.

    It's still an interesting ruling, and to my knowledge, the most recent one.  It also contradicts the White House's interpretation of Title VII.

  15. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that sexuality constitutes a protected class.  It only applies to New York, Connecticut and Vermont, but it's the latest ruling on the matter and will surely provoke a spate of challenges.

    I like the argument:  discriminating against a person because of their sexuality essentially constitutes discrimination based on their sex, because if you get the creepies and refuse to sell a sausage wrap to a man who loves the mens then you are basically discriminating against him because he's a man.  If he were a woman, you wouldn't care; ergo, it's sexual discrimination.

  16. 20 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    That's because the right has given, and given, and given again.  Time after time.  Year after year.  And each time it's not enough. 

    LOL wut?

  17. 13 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The middle class will do better with a leftward jolt. Most of the upper middle class will, too.

    The very fact that the rightward jolt is fucking the middle and upper middle class in the ass tells us this.

  18. 7 minutes ago, AeroHorn said:

    What does the above sentence from the letter mean? Do the interests of "both parties" contradict those of "the world"?

    I don't think it means anything to Donald.  He writes like a kid trying to meet the minimum word requirement on his take-home essay test.

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