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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Probably a better chance of me going to La Bare.
  2. My favorite is when an event requires you to have your tickets on your phone, then also requires you to put your phone in a Ynodr pouch the whole time.
  3. But maybe they’d be so upset by the lack of social media and Doritos locos tacos that they’d kill themself.
  4. The most fans TCU has played in front of so far was 50,000 at West Virginia.
  5. I was just poking the ant bed.
  6. Terrible. Looks like a pack of camel crushes.
  7. I think that’s the old one. I’m talking about the new one across the street at 300 Colorado. But who knows it might be full up too.
  8. Another big ol’ empty building? Is the Parsley one still vacant? Can we play paintball in there or something?
  9. I’ve always assumed it’s like the scene in napoleon dynamite where he drinks the milk and correctly deduces that the cow got into an onion patch and all the old rednecks nod approvingly and write in their notebooks.
  10. In this moment you say “is somebody baking cookies?”
  11. No it was Paul from the wonder years.
  12. I’ve never seen a commercial mention any other school. I wish we’d stuck with our no substance all style “we’re Texas. What starts here changes the world” commercials from the early 2000s. They were so uniquely arrogant and succinct.
  13. what in the fuck was the deal with the backed up security line at the west gate?
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