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Everything posted by DallasGatr

  1. I’m assuming your joking. Mary’s is the first place I think of when “horrific strip clubs” is brought up. Great location though.
  2. I so expected to hate S1. Then I started watching and couldn’t stop. Escapism at its finest. I’m off to download S2.
  3. I’d take losing to f-n FSU if it meant the Astros won tonight. Heck I’ll let the Gators lose 5 in a row to half-ass U if it meant another ring.
  4. University of Florida QB Kyle Trask sporting the colors (he’s from Houston.)
  5. It’s the Lunhow way, McHugh, Morton Miley. It’ll work out, he’s a Wizard!
  6. She’s hot. That’s more than enough to keep her on.
  7. For those of you that think Jimbo left the cupboard bare.....
  8. I expected better from Surly. I mean at least a boorish comment. Maybe you all are distracted by the big game tomm night. This Vic special (minus a few pounds) from Tuckers HR last night.
  9. There is but one redeeming thing about CLT. That shoe shine place in front of the Admirals club in front of "C" concourse. There are usually a couple of sweet Ethiopian girls who will go to work on those things, (just tell them you want the "long time".) They feature hard wax and the blowtorch thingy. Pure ecstasy every time!
  10. I’d just pencil in Cole to one of the 3 SoCal teams
  11. JBB, Beer and Kemp could bring a TOR guy I would think.
  12. I’m convinced Seth Beer is going to be the centerpiece of our SP deal.
  13. I actually prefer a night game there. Cooler and the bridge is an awesome backdrop at night.
  14. Edit-Late night SFO-DFW or the all nighter?
  15. I’m amazed they got 4 of those 787 screens to fit in a 737!
  16. I definitely see Beer as a tasty trade piece. Looks like he’s gonna be a big league hitter with not much a glove. And Alvarez is a better version of that. Really tough to have two of those on your 25.
  17. What we have here, is a failure to communicate.
  18. Blummer is awesome and seems to always be having a blast as color man. And I enjoy his trifle peccadillos!
  19. My DFW-SFO flight was cancelled last night and something stinks. The weather lasted roughly 1330-1500. The inbound flight landed at 1945, a full hour before the SFO flight was scheduled to depart. By the time my flight was cancelled, (2300) our aircraft had still not made it to the gate. Another aircraft was at our gate however. I’m thinking the mechanics dispute with AA is affecting their pushback abilities. This (lack of) effort has forced me to sit with the poors this evening. Anyone else notice something similar recently? And did some mention “good” and Heathrow in the same sentence. I transfer thru there occasionally and that process is one of the worlds biggest beatings.
  20. I’m convinced High Pitch and the roaches are the only creatures that will survive the coming nuclear winter.
  21. I seem to recall the Cards being deep into drafting college types when Lunhow was there. Could be wrong of course.
  22. These are the glory days my friends! Let’s just lay back and enjoy.
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