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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Awful. Shit like this always makes me think of Hillsborough. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The sky here in north Austin is started to get that weird greenish color. Stay safe, y'all.
  3. Got Moderna 2 Thursday. Fever showed up about 18 hours later and lasted about 12 hours. It's gone now but my arm at the shot site is red, hard, and swollen (yeah, yeah, TWSS). It was much more severe than after the first one. With the first shot, I felt a little shitty for 24 hours but didn't get a fever. I did get a delayed reaction at the shot site about 2 weeks after the first shot, which healed and was fine till the second one. Between HornOnTheBayou and I, the difference in reactions seemed to be indicated by the reaction at the shot site after the first dose. He had fairly mild symptoms and no severe reaction at the site either time.
  4. This is a game my kids invented during quarantine. You lay down and cover yourself with a blanket, someone puts a dog toy on you, and you have to guess which dog picks up the toy.
  5. Is she still interested in food? This happened to Rocket over the summer and it ended up being because he'd gotten a corncob from god knows where and basically swallowed it whole. Rocket is an expensive dog.
  6. I wanted to love this soooo much. The Stand is one of my favorite books ever, and my favorite SK book for sure. The 1994 miniseries was meh, and when I saw that they were rebooting it I couldn't wait. It has a great cast, and the miniseries format is really the only way you could properly adapt the book for the screen, IMO. So as to not completely shit on it, I'll say that I liked the casting for the most part. Frannie was a bit weird for me, and I can't really articulate why, but the actress was good. The kid who played Harold was fantastic - definitely got a "We Need to Talk About Kevin" vibe from him. I really liked the rebooted Ralph character, Ray. Greg Kinnear was great, as always. It was also fun to see Krycek from The X-Files. I don't think I've seen Nicolas Lea do anything since that show. Kojak the dog was awesome. But. Flagg was a complete cartoon character. I mean, The Stand is not subtle in its metaphors, so I wasn't expecting a light touch, but they made a character who is obviously the devil completely flat. I guess in the book there are a lot more Flagg POVs so you get into his head a bit. Skarsgard was fine, but I didn't like the material he was given to work with. Nadine was ok, but I think her latching on to Harold probably came across as really out of the blue if you didn't know it was coming. Honestly, I liked Amber Heard better in the 10 minutes she was in Zombieland. The pacing seemed really off. There's a lot to cover, so I get it, but the further we got into the show the more it felt like they were moving too quickly. I think it's just more proof that you can't properly do this show in 8 or 9 episodes. Considering how little they developed Trashcan Man, I'd rather they had left him out altogether and had someone else bring the warhead. And the rewriting that has him being explicitly told to bring it to an airport hanger near New Vegas, and him fucking up and bringing it to the middle of town instead, did not work for me. It doesn't make sense that Flagg, supposedly omniscient, had no idea that TM didn't do what he ordered and was delivering death to the settlement. And it's not that his plans weren't ever upended, but usually when that happened it was because a character made a quick decision to defy him in the moment. Finally, they should've modified a lot of the colloquialisms from the book. They just don't make sense now. Julie calling Tom a "feeb", Tom says "my laws", etc. Still better than the 1994 version, though.
  7. For when mood = dog in a cone sitting on the couch watching TV.
  8. Kids and their bonds with pets are really special. If our house caught on fire and my 12-yo could only save either the dogs or his parents, my husband and I would be taking dirt naps.
  9. May Crosby have endless tennis balls to chase through endless fields. Hook em, big guy. So sorry for your loss, SB.
  10. Rocket was able to come home today. Felt good enough to lick his bowl clean and now is passed out in his new bed.
  11. Oh no - keep us updated. Sending all the good vibes to Crosby.
  12. Today Rocket had his second femoral head ostectomy to treat his severe hip dysplasia. It's been almost exactly a year since the operation on his other hip and while he sometimes limps on that side, he doesn't have a pain response there anymore. Hopefully we'll see the same thing on this hip once he recovers. Hip pain or not, he was excited enough about the snow to bound around in it last week. He also sends yellow lab healing vibes to @Sbbruin's Crosby.
  13. We were in a deep freeze for a goddamn week and then the day after it warms up I got itchy eyes and started sneezing like a mofo. Looks like cedar was low today but most places weren't recording counts for the last week, so I'm guessing it was a bit of cedar yesterday? I mean, come the fuck on.
  14. Yeah I'd get him checked out. They can ID what's going on pretty quickly with a stool sample, and if it's something like giardia you'll want him on meds asap because it can take a while to knock out.
  15. Rocket got the snow zoomies. Edgar was less impressed.
  16. Earlier she was on Twitter saying Trump had authorized the National Guard. I believe the sec of defense has since confirmed that Pence authorized the Guard, not Trump.
  17. I succumbed to the siren song of beautiful weather and sat outside for lunch on Monday. I've done a lot of dumb stuff in my life but that was up there. Yesterday was brutal, too. Here's hoping we get a brief respite today with the rain and that molds don't get too crazy while cedar is down.
  18. My god, I am so sorry. I (and I'm sure others here) would love to do something in her honor at some point, like order her favorite Whataburger meal or something like that. And of course, if there is any other way we can help you and your family, please let us know. To Sarah.🤘
  19. She talks about this in a recent Fresh Air - she was born in the US but moved to London when she was a baby and she lived there till she was 14, then moved back to the US. She said she switches back and forth depending on who she's talking to sometimes but I get the impression she's more comfortable with the British accent for every day. Hilaria Baldwin's actions, though, seem much more intentionally deceptive.
  20. I could feel it coming on yesterday. Woke up with a sore throat and sneezing/stuffiness today and sure enough, cedar's high. Here we go.
  21. Current view from my lap. That's 160 lbs of dog. Good thing this recliner is huge.
  22. Mine is 12 and is reading Pet Sematary. I warned him to just make sure to put a few hours between reading it and bedtime. I mean, I still won't read it near bedtime. The Stand is my favorite SK book and if he's up for it I'm fine with him reading it if he wants.
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