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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. After the Rice thread devolved into intro music discussion, I realized this song would be perfect for A&M. It's got agriculture, trailer park, death, gays and Coors light. It covers a lot of their bases.
  2. Someone on this board convinced me to just throw it all in a skillet and let fate sort the frying out. Works great and I've been doing it for years.
  3. They left off getting on a message board to talk about it a week in advance, posting on said board 100 times during the game and then arguing with people the day after a game on what went right/wrong.
  4. Emphasis on dumbass. He had a million $$$ contract from a boot company. All he had to do was wear them while he played. For a while he would wear them then take them off to play barefooted. Eventually he just quit wearing them and they cancelled his endorsement contract.
  5. I never was a fan but a friend had extra tickets for one of his shows at Billy Bob's. It was a train wreck. He was wasted the entire show and blathered on about how screwed up his life was and how much he did his wife wrong. I guess it's admirable to admit it but it took up the whole show and done in a black out drunk, "I said what?" kind of way. All the PG fans ate it up, I thought it was a waste of 2 hours of my life I'd never get back. I'm pretty sure after that show, he "took some time off from touring" (rehab hopefully) to get his priorities straight.
  6. Then how about some duck food?
  7. Repeat the same process I've done for 40 years and get up and go to work?
  8. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    The problem is that he is a great surgeon. I know people who know him and say he's a good person too. But either he's extremely unorganized or he promises more than he can deliver. I've already told his nurse I want prescriptions written before the surgery. The surgical center is under new ownership. The old owner, Abilene Regional, was a for profit hospital that I later found out was in financial trouble and a horrible place to work. I'm going to let the new people know what happened and what I expect. The good thing about getting old is you don't put up with shit anymore.
  9. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    Man, I'm sorry you had to go through that. The quickest I could schedule surgery was Oct 12. I'm not doing anything that requires lifting with my left arm anymore because I don't want to take any chances. My problems last time were with the surgery center and doctor. He's a good man and surgeon but he is ALWAYS late for appointments. Last time I was the only one scheduled at the center that day for 11 AM surgery, so the crew got there at 9. Doc showed up at 3 hours late and the surgery was more complicated than he thought so I didn't get out until 4:30 or so. The nerve block did not work so they had to use a deeper anesthesia and I couldn't wake up. By 6 they wanted to go home so they sent me home without me regaining consciousness. I woke up in the recliner about 9 pm. And the icing on the cake was the doctor forgot to order pain meds for me. They had to call him at home and have him call them in. When I went in the other day I told them it's not happening that way again and I want shit handled before I ever set foot in the place.
  10. I use "You need to stop. You sound like your mother."
  11. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    Left the sports medicine clinic earlier today. I went because I was having constant shoulder pain. At first he kept saying probably a bone spur. Wrong. Torn rotator cuff and he said if I wait more than a couple of months it will be irreparable. I ask him how it happened because I take a ton of precautions to protect it after surgery on my other shoulder. He said arthritis and bone spurs just shredded it over the years. Last time it was hell. Someone please tell me they had rotator cuff surgery and it was easy.
  12. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    I had a cousin whose youngest graduated HS when he was 38. He had a vasectomy the year she was born. They were going to be home/kid free by 42. Then his dumbass wife wanted another, so he paid to have his vasectomy reversed and she had a kid at 40.
  13. Just left the dentist after a cleaning. When it was time to pay she told me todays visit was covered. I lost my dental insurance when my wife retired, so I ask how that was possible. She said that when I had a crown put on 4 months ago I overpaid and had a $400 credit on my account. "Do you want us to send you a check?" No just keep the money in your bank account and use it for operating capital. It's the 3rd time it's happened in the last 5 years. My PT had overcharged me almost $800 and kept it quiet for 4 months until a office person told me about it and an MRI office kept $350 for almost 11 months before sending me a check. Now I just ask when they'll settle with insurance so I can call and get my overpayment back.
  14. Abilene. We've never had this problem in all the years we've been here. But there have been some pretty serious prairie fires all around us over the years. The Carbon fire and Cross Plains from a few years ago killed people and tons of livestock.
  15. LOL. I did. She kept saying well if you want to stay home and monitor the situation we can. I told her hell no I felt like eating a burger, which just made her madder.
  16. This was looking at the end of our street a couple of years ago. It was about 2.5 miles from the house and the wind was blowing it our direction. She couldn't understand why I thought it was a good idea to pack the vehicles in case we had to leave in a hurry. Because prairie fires move so slow....
  17. This fire is about 4 miles from my house. The smoke is moving directly over our house. My wife is pissed because I haven't taken her to dinner
  18. You can't be dissing the stuff that help us kill all those brain cells......
  19. My parents died when I was young. They had bought 3 funeral plots in case I went before them. Since I didn't and had other plans, my aunt asked me if she could be buried next to my mom (her sister). I told her that was fine by me, but asked why didn't she want to be buried next to her husband. She said "When JESUS calls me out of the ground, that SOB (her husband) is the last person I want to see."
  20. I had to get a CT done on my shoulder today. Between the two old deaf guys screaming their maladies and aches at each other and the other talking with the speaker on her phone I felt very surly.
  21. Yeah, I probably won't wave.
  22. We'll wave at you as we're on our way up.
  23. How in the hell can this even be the same woman?
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