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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. You should have an some random guy wandering down the aisle. He could have told you.
  2. This should make for some good "What could go wrong?" Reddit videos.
  3. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    Thanks, I had a friend warn me about the exact same thing concerning statins. I usually tolerate meds well, but I've had some bad experiences with meds in the past couple of years and I'm debating which way to go.
  4. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    I know I'm setting myself up, but we all know Surly is the place to go for medical advice. My doctor retired and I just left my initial visit with my new one. I like him but he is very young and I've known him since he was a kid. Currently, I take no medication for anything. All my test always come back in the normal range. After reviewing all my numbers and running some programs he wants me to consider two things. First taking a low dose statin, though I think I'm going to have a calcium CT before doing this to see if it's necessary. Secondly, and I'm dead serious, he wants me to take daily Cialis for BPH. It's FDA approved for it and most reviews say it helps. Has anyone taken either of these long term and are there any bad side effects? I know what Cialis is good for, but I've been married for over 40 years so boning like a 25 year old is not that big a deal anymore. I just don't want to deal with side effects if I can avoid them.
  5. Pre 1986 M134 miniguns are legal to own in the US. I had a guy tell me he had one mounted to his truck, but he never produced any pics of it. And who can afford to shoot 2000-6000 rounds a minute anyway.?
  6. I bought a brand new '84 Mustang GT when I was young. I know they're not much but at the time it was a nice car. I parked and sat in the car at an Eckerds once while my wife ran inside to get a perscription. Some cow in a '74 Grand Prix parked next to me and slammed her door into my brand new car. Creased the metal and left paint on my door. I looked at her, and she giggled and said sorry and went in. I wasn't going to hit a woman but I wasn't going to let her get away with it either. I put about a dozen boot heel prints randomly around her car. If it was an accident I wouldn't have lost it. But to be in the car and watch her do it on purpose was too much.
  7. Some believe so...........https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3401741/2 It might of been done as a troll but some of the faithful believe.
  8. IDK. I'd laugh at their misery but out here, it would almost be offset living with the smugness of the ACU faithful. They're a borderline cult in themselves.
  9. We were at The Citadel 90 mins ago, got lucky and saw the cadets on the parade ground and their Friday afternoon presentation. They had military guys reviewing them as they went through their presentation/marches. These goobers look nothing like the parade we just saw. Not even on the same planet. The instructors we saw would blow a gasket watching this.
  10. I read about jamming a wash rag through the open bolt. Now I see why.
  11. Don’t forget “After you Blow Me” and “The Kotex Kid”. He comes riding in once a month. They would get unsuspecting coeds to sit on a wooden horse while they put on Kotex shaped cowboy hats and sang to her.
  12. Lol. “Alabama took that steer up the rear”
  13. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    I love typo's. I had a urologist tell me there was a 86% chance I had prostate cancer only to call me a few days later saying they checked the wrong box and it was actually less than 2%.
  14. Wish I could find one in a .40. I've got a 9mm but always wanted a .40 too
  15. I went to a Clemson message board to see how the fans were reacting. From kickoff to this morning there were 2000+ new threads on the board. They can't even commiserate together
  16. Thanks! Misunderstood. Normal screen on ESPN and split screen ACC network.
  17. I guess I don't remember it from last year. Or even yesterday.
  18. WTH is the deal with the split screens on the ACC network?
  19. Random sex during the day? How do you sneak the girlfriend in without your wife finding out?
  20. LOL. I know people who get paid to stand in front of guys to teach them this stuff.
  21. I don't have a skillet big enough for a pound but 5 or 6 slices at a time, yes. As it gets hot you can stir it around and it will separate. On my Blackstone grill I'll throw a 1 pound package on and separate it as it gets warm. It doesn't brown as even as they do when you lay them out but that doesn't bother me.
  22. It gets really complicated but if you notice he (illegally in the US) has two lanyards connected together (making a loop) at his feet. If he falls, he's going to fall at least 6' (lanyard length) plus the distance from where his back d-ring is before the fall to where it rest after the fall (probably at least a foot over his head. When he hits the end of his fall, he's generating something around 380-400 lbs of force or more assuming he weighs 180 lbs. Think what would happen if you had a harness on where you only fell 1 foot but you had and extra 200+ pounds tied to your feet. And all that force was concentrated in 10 or so square inches of your crotch. Then the harness is going to squeeze around your rib cage from the force of the fall, breaking your ribs (and possibly snapping your spine) and shoving them like shrapnel into your intestines.
  23. I sell this stuff for a living. The only thing those lanyards will stop is him hitting the ground. If he fell connected like that, he would die from a broken back or massive internal organ damage.
  24. Where's the second part of the video? It looks like they were getting ready for round 2.
  25. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    My daughters work for BCBS. There are ways to get things done but I think you need to find out why it was denied. Somewhere up the line somebody decided it doesn't check all the boxes. It could be a mistake, incorrect request, misunderstanding of what's covered in the contract or simply the wrong boxes checked in filing. Call until you get someone sympathetic to your cause. They have doctors review the request and maybe one of them can override their decision. All contracts are different but If they give you a reason, I can ask them if they have any ideas on how to appeal.
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