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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. well i haven't been in a championship city since January 2006 lol 😄🤘 lots of fireworks, honking and hollering in my area, this was pretty fun!
  2. dude. i don't even neg you but even i nailed your schtick a long time ago... come on now 🙄
  3. this is my first spring here...i know CO actually has four seasons (i mean i moved here to experience that), but it feels like this has been above normal rainfall, yeah? i'm kind of loving it but it does seem like it's lasted several months now...i can only think it's great for wildfire season! 🙂
  4. i mean are we sure churches are the way to go? 🤨 https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/30017-youth-ministers-and-other-pervs-thread-of-shame/#comments
  5. well...tbh some other things happened that i guess you could say have served as an 'inflation kicker'...my mom died and left some nice surprises, and we sold our house bought in 1997 in central Austin at the literal peak last year, like just a couple weeks before the turn. also, no kids. but mostly my mom...she worked much too long and died less than two years into her retirement, and she was sick almost the entire time. seeing her not get to enjoy it and then finding out she had the means...really served as a jolt to me. she blessed us, but it's a sad story 💔, one i determined to avoid. my husband is significantly older than me...we got fun stuff we want to do now 😊
  6. she's got to be pregnant😮 shark, not diver.
  7. i hit Rule of 80 at 49... my first visit to ERS, when they showed me my potential take home, i was like 'what?! how is that figure even possible??' 😮 he told me i was a 'unicorn' lol - not too many folks started when they were still teenagers and continue uninterrupted. they don't offer the kind of package/security to keep people anymore... and it shows in recruiting, retention and quality of state employees. by design, of course. oh well, FAFO 🤨
  8. so punching 👊 is not a thing in India.
  9. i tried finding some actual info, accusations, details on what he did and couldn't find anything specific really. references to 'misconduct' and an HR complaint, but no charges or lawsuits. accusations he was 'disparaging and disrespectful on set'...he would 'intimidate and demean' crew members... sounds like he was a general asshole and bully to everyone, not just women, nor explicitly sexual. dick.
  10. good hygiene and the ability to make a women laugh trump conventional physical attractiveness and any kind of 'game', every time.
  11. i mean it's kinda hard not to juxtapose this thread with this one... https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/31266-are-you-and-your-buddies-close-enough-to-do-this/#comment-5297789 but also... if women can control the climate and lightening strikes then i can understand men being intimated.
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