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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. the green is closer in heat to Tacodeli Dona sauce than TJ's is. love it. also... for some reason this one says 'mild' but that is a complete and utter lie lol. it's πŸ”₯ and i absolutely love it... i just brought three packs back in my suitcase from Austin 😁 there is literally NO hot salsa in Denver 😝
  2. crockpot cream cheese meals are the WORST 😝
  3. maybe not...but it obviously was in this instance. duh.
  4. well we didn't need the relief from the blastfurnace over here, and it's been an exceptionally rainy spring apparently... but Denver area has been hammered for a couple of days. i swear it hailed for a straight hour last night. it was small where we are, pea/pebble size, but it went on forever! i should have gotten a pic later in the evening, but this was fairly early on...the big pile is from us dumping what had collected on top of the sun shade...we had to go out there and use a big broom to do that five times! the pile was easily over a foot by the time it stopped, plus it covered everything else. it basically rained hail! lol tore the hell out of everything. seems like every day, if it rains at all, it's going to hail. and it's been raining practically every day for months. spring is nuts around here! 😳
  5. well everybody pretty much came together last year realizing Amber Heard was total psycho and Johnny was lucky to escape that relationship alive. in these troubled times, it's the important little things that bring us together ❀️ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  6. me earlier today escaping on my flight home to Denver... jeezus. i don't see myself visiting Texas May-Sept ever again if i can help it (had a funeral this week).
  7. gotdamn it's fucking hot. im flying home Wednesday afternoon. i dunno, it's pretty uncomfortable here guys πŸ€”
  8. i've always felt the primary difference was just Jack. Nicholson had an air of malevolence and crazy from the very first scene, the tension and hostility was palpable and immediate just bc, well, it was Jack fucking Nicholson. book Jack starts from a much more vulnerable, 'good guy' place, and the journey to homicidal mad man seems much...longer and therefore more traumatic. the fucking topiary animals was the most terrifying part of the book for me...i can hear the 'whump' sound of the snow falling softly to the ground! just masterful.
  9. well coincidental to this convo...i just flew DEN>AUS this morning. had quite a few packages of edibles for friends as well as some actual weed for myself. they weren't hidden in anything. got to my destination and opened my suitcase, had one of those 'TSA opened your bag' tags in it, i thought of this thread and was like shit, bad timing... except all the product was in the same spot lol. my Surface had been turned over, that was it. so no, can confirm, TSA does not give a shit 😁
  10. haha and after all that story it took me <4 mins to get thru security this morning πŸ˜„ you just never know i guess. there's a train stop 8 mins from our house, i was going to try that this trip... but it's under maintenance this weekend and I would have to switch to a bus at the next stop which would have taken twice as long. which of course i saw after i'd bought my ticket πŸ™„ luckily my mate waited bc i was freezing outside this morning...i refused to even bring a jacket to the Blastfurnace and i'm wearing as few clothes as possible πŸ˜„
  11. gotdamn 😳 we haven't even hit 80 in Denver yet (apparently that's some kind of record)...but fuck me i'm flying straight into the blastfurnace for a funeral Monday πŸ₯΅ surely they are not expecting people to attend graveside in this shit, old people will be dropping left and right! at least i'm staying with a friend who has a pool! 😎
  12. the last time we flew out of Denver in early May, the security line was INSANE. like it wrapped all the way around to the other side of the terminal where the baggage claim was. BUT... it seemed to be moving quickly (i was asking people periodically throughout the line how long since they queued up to gage, it was moving at a good pace so we didn't panic... wasn't bad, took about 25 to get to the big open atrium like area, where we realize... they had removed ALL of the Disney-like serpentine line and were routing everyone two-by-two directly into one specific choke point...bc they were training a security πŸ• πŸ˜–πŸ˜ as we were entering that area they finished up right behind us, took the dog away and started reconfiguring the serpentines. the length of that line was crazy when stretched out straight!
  13. oh god... i've got a funeral and am flying in Sunday, back out on Wednesday... but i purposely booked a mid-afternoon flight home to try and avoid the rush. please god let me get out of there smoothly lol. ugh i just hate everything about air travel, from parking to the seats! sometime post 9/11 it just became an experience where they literally try to make you as uncomfortable, frustrated and stressed as possible...and charge you more and more to experience it. and i'm an experienced traveler! it's just an overall completely unpleasant yet expensive experience 😝 honestly... one of my main concerns/worries about potentially fulfilling bucket list trips to Europe and French Polynesia is just fucking getting there. bleah.
  14. agreed... but I think you can distinguish b/t 'dating apps' like Tinder, etc., that are clearly geared toward the quick hookup, and matchmaker sites like eharmony or match.com that are much more in depth and require more thought and effort. i actually know several folks that have met a mate on those sites and ended up in longterm relationships/married. i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that approach, especially since now there are those really aimed at niche populations (over 50, >$100k income or whatever) which presumably makes it even easier to meet someone that you already have a good number of things in common with. that approach is nothing new, it's a more efficient medium but the concept has been around awhile...
  15. that's the same link i posted, if anybody wants to avoid giving Elon clicks πŸ˜„
  16. Tribune with a good summary write-up today... https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/ken-paxton-impeachment-allegations/
  17. i also am flying in for a funeral on Sunday, in Austin. from Denver. where it's currently 59*. FML 😝
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