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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. ...add Killers of the Flower Moon, Drive Away Dolls, Napoleon, Dune 2, new stuff from Fincher and Taika Waititi... this whole year feels like Hollywood is finally getting back in the (non-comic book) groove post-pandemic! must be all the adrenochrome πŸ€”πŸ˜œ
  2. hmmm i dunno...this is not the Timothee Chalamet that i normally, uh, 'enjoy' 🀨
  3. to be fair this one probably posts on the Hot or Not thread.
  4. irony. that's one word to describe it. gotdamn.
  5. gah. so easily disproved... it's playing at all the AMC theaters in Denver. people's brains are just broken.
  6. so i actually watched some of that out of morbid curiosity. according to Tate, he and his brother are charged with 'human trafficking' bc they allegedly were forcing some girls to do non-sexual TikToks and were taking the money earned from that content. he was adamant that they have not been charged with anything sexual. oh, and the 'victims' are all friends of his and have said they were not victims of anything anyway. poor guy's being railroaded bc he's so cool. oh, wait. https://www.newsweek.com/andrew-tate-fresh-blow-over-house-arrest-human-trafficking-romania-1811480 also when did not wearing socks become d-bag dress code. gross.
  7. just hung up with my niece who is doing an internship with a mountain club in VT. they had to be emergency rescued yesterday and their base camp is completely destroyed, washed away. they are awaiting direction from state officials for their crews... their original work was simple trail repair/rebuilding but most of the trails are now basically destroyed. this is absolutely record setting flooding and devastation. they've been doing backwoods work with crews of volunteers but most of the volunteers have had to leave bc their own homes/towns are flooded. she is terribly dispirited if not completely depressed (which is very scary for her in a much broader sense, i.e. she's already got issues). she said the damage is just horrible. she said they have had about 6 days of no rain since she got there end of May, so this storm just dumped incredible amounts on already completely saturated earth. i don't know if she's going to stick it out...i certainly can't blame her for wanting to throw in the towel, her mental health is paramount. she'll figure it out... she said it's like fighting the ocean or something, just completely futile and hopeless.
  8. opens this Wednesday, which seems...odd πŸ€” but looking forward to it, think we'll be able to see it opening day. lots of non-comic book movies with potential coming this yearπŸ‘
  9. i've been enjoying him for several months now...very little prepared material, he's almost all back and forth with the audience (like this clip) which is unusual and really fun to watch, you never know where it's going to go. i tried getting tickets to his Denver shows next spring - they added like 3 additional shows bc the first one sold out so fast! but they all sold out instantly too, and i'm not paying hundreds for a comedian πŸ˜’ anyway, i've seen some interviews and he actually seems like a genuinely nice guy, he just looks like a fratboy douche πŸ˜„ (which he acknowledges himself lol).
  10. don't forget 6. making sure liberals don't dress in drag!
  11. ...and people wonder why some of us choose not to have kids.
  12. holy crap, no kidding! also i just learned there's another Skarsgard bro. not nearly as sexy πŸ˜›
  13. pffft i've been waiting to see some of this ever since she first announced her run πŸ˜„ she's gotten off soooo easy considering her past!
  14. are they going to impede wildlife?
  15. i was trying to find the right Succession gif myself lol
  16. they're looking at this wrong...i mean they no longer have the immigrant labor to clean all those hotel rooms and run all those restaurants anyway right, so this is actually a win. congratulations lol
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