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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. i mean we already know he agrees with aggy, it's not much of a stretch...
  2. mchookem

    The Wire

    none? weird question lol 🀨 shows like this, it's usually plugged in another room. now... watching Yellowstone? that's mostly background noise πŸ˜† ETA i also turn CC on so i don't miss any of the nuances in dialogue, especially the slang. for The Wire. not Yellowstone. heh.
  3. mchookem

    The Wire

    i mean NYPD Blue debuted almost 10 years earlier, Hill Street Blues like 10 years before that...but okay πŸ™„ having said that, i acknowledge the reasonable comments to withhold judgement until i finish the whole series 😁 peeling back the various 'layers' that make up this bleak urban American landscape...i assume there's more of that to come.
  4. not to sidetrack too much as I've really enjoyed this thread... but I mentioned another favorite of mine, James Ellroy, and my favorite of his is American Tabloid which you may enjoy as well, especially if you like noire. it's one of my top five books, i reread it about every 7-8 years.
  5. x x1x x x x x x 2 i mean hell, even i appreciate Connie Britton
  6. men have been judging women on shallow characteristics for centuries if not millenia. boohoo at the modern men getting their feelings hurt and hating the world b/c lots of women can now do the same. pfffft.
  7. i know what you meant... but Garrett Foster was the victim, dude πŸ™„ Daniel Perry is the murderer.
  8. mchookem

    The Wire

    ok... two seasons down. it's good... really good. excellent writing, feels very authentic and the acting is stellar. reminiscent of NYPD Blue in the feel of it, which i think makes sense given the overlapping seasons. Bunk is my favorite, followed by Omar... but i'm worried Omar won't have a good ending πŸ˜• that's the game, baby... don't spoil me! i appreciated how they went from the black/projects-centric storyline to the white working class plot...great job intertwining the stories... and showing how they all feed up to corruption🀨 i've only watched one episode of S3 so far... but from that i'm guessing we're going to get a clearer picture of that slice of the story. man...Baltimore bureau of tourism must have hated this show lol. pretty bleak. having said all that... it's an excellent cop show... but it's still a cop show. i don't find anything groundbreaking, it's full of pretty standard cop-show archetypes. Omar is the obvious exception... what a great character! also there are so many Oz alum! takes me back to that TV time lol. anyways... guess i'm saying it's really good but i'm not sure it's that much better than other HBO product... it's certainly not the most original.
  9. i always envy people that are about to experience a fantastic show for the first time!
  10. i totally get what you're saying here, i feel the same...and that's also how i feel about my other favorites, James Ellroy and Margaret Atwood. and the best TV show ever, Deadwood. and Paul Thomas Anderson films lol. i might describe it as...they take extraordinary effort. i find it engaging but maybe also rewarding? the effort makes it stick with me more, for sure. to be fair, my favorites also include Stephen King and Seinfeld 😁
  11. wonderfully put. years ago i read A Thousand Splendid Suns then went straight into The Road... when i finished i felt like i'd been emotionally abused and i literally cried for three days. i mean, i may have been PMSing, but still...
  12. def mine...i was introduced via Blood Meridian in a writing component class at UT in the 90s, had my mind blown, and proceeded to devour everything else i could find...up to Stella Maris which i literally just started reading last weekend. wow. he was a great one.
  13. i mean i get what you're saying and there are undoubtedly people that happily work until they drop doing what they love...but yeah, no, not in this case. she was an unhappy and unhealthy person whose final few years were...not great. but her blessings allowed her oldest to retire young and her youngest to buy her first home at 40...and that would have made her very happy, i take some solace in that πŸ™‚β€οΈ
  14. πŸ˜† 'White Atlanta' turnt up rn lol 😁
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