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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Ignatius

  1. Y’all are insane for ever, ever trying to enter the stadium there…
  2. I have one very shitty memory of freezing my ass off there in 1991…
  3. Like you say, they got to face your defense twice…surprised their margin over us isn’t bigger.
  4. Too bad we won’t need your advice on how to deal with getting fuckstomped in the CFP, you’ve got a lot of experience…
  5. Yeah the chart Balcones posted lays it out. Lifetime gets you in the game, current level dictates how much you can get if you’re in….
  6. I think you can only order as many seats as you have in DKR, although I’m sure for suite/club folks they relax that….
  7. Any indication as to when the Foundation starts sending fuck you/you’re cool emails?
  8. That 2nd INT from Stingley was spectacular…game is definitely slowing down for him.
  9. Yep, there are some key pieces (Cashman, Greenard, Fant, possibly Noah Brown and/or Shultz) that would be good to bring back. None of them individually would set the market by any means, but it’ll eat into that. Still enough to bring on at least one and probably two top-tier starters, ideally in the defensive front 7.
  10. If anyone knows when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em in terms of dick-sucking, it’s a dude who travels with a sex tent…
  11. Stupid question, but by ‘with beverage’ does this mean ‘alcohol’, similar to Bama? If so I’d be down for 2@$150 each
  12. Not unless you have a time machine and go back about 35 years…
  13. Beano was ABCs ‘college football guru’ in 1969 but I don’t think he was an exec. He felt strongly about that happening, and Roone Arledge (the god of sports broadcasting at that time) definitely leaned on him for advice. My favorite Beano story: when he was SID at Pittsburgh, he got a call early in August from a woman who wanted “the roster for every Pitt player, even the walkons”. Beano responded that a lot of them were just tackling dummies and wouldn’t she rather wait until September for the final roster? She told no, because she “wanted to sleep with everyone on the Pitt team.” Beno’s (alleged) response: “OK then; in alphabetical order, ‘Cook, Beano’”…
  14. Narrarator: He fucking thought wrong.
  15. Yormarks reception today, and the absolute refusal by all of us in attendance to let up, will be one of the memories this 50+ year Longhorn fan will take happily to his grave…
  16. Yeah and whoever that blonde was at the Bama tailgate with her Gunnar button on was total smoke…
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