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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. Why do you think I suggested a consulting firm?
  2. Couple ideas: 1) we can sell pieces of surly. Like, you could donate $100 and for a week, you get to pick the slogan on the front page for that week. For $500, you have mod privileges for a few days. Things like that. 2) Idea #1 was the only real idea I had, but what about hiring a consulting firm to come kick the tires and tell us what to do better? Not a big one like Mckinsey, or anything, just a local shop (preferably no brick and mortar bc that's where the upcharge comes from) that doesn't charge too much
  3. You should post on Texags. You'd be a gold star member in no time with your ability to spin the loss as "good" bc Texas looked shitty in the same bowl like 9 years ago
  4. A true Ship of Theseus example
  5. I think its the lack of Black people in the photo that impresses him
  6. Wonder how many defamation suits are going to come out of that...
  7. Nice. Casually dropping the great replacement theory into the thread. And in the same breath, complain about Dems crying "racism"
  8. Are you a Black man struggling to build generational wealth? Do you wish there was an easier way? Are you tired of the system keeping you down? TRY THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK* AT HOME THAT IS SHOCKING FINANCIAL EXPERTS!!!! *eliminate social security
  9. LMAO at the women cheering him on at the beginning who are strangely silent at the end. Get fucked ladies
  10. SIAP on one of the other dozen threads to discuss current television shows, but anyone catch "Collin from Accounts" on Paramount? Wife and I thought it was hilarious. Two leads are excellent together. Bit of a "Catastrophe" vibe.
  11. I get that aggy has to cut expenses to pay Jimbo's buyout, but I'm not sure that having the head coach wear a trash bag on recruiting visits is the best way to do it
  12. so maybe that guy just drew a face on the back of his head? Explains the chop
  13. Came across this quote in a LA Times article about the far-right takeover (debatable as its always been the home to Nazis and fascists) in Huntington Beach. Talk about leopards eating people's faces. JFC, Sue: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-12-13/huntington-beach-sticking-it-to-woke-california-at-what-cost-to-residents
  14. Anyone else feel bad for Poe's sick grandfather who tried to runaway from him on foot, only to be caught 25 miles out and returned? Almost made it.
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/12/13/abortion-drug-supreme-court-mifepristone-fda/?itid=hp-top-table-main_p001_f004
  16. For the record, the quote attributed to me appears to be entirely fabricated by you. Weird.
  17. Ah yes, it's the Democrats fault that the GOP supports Putin wiping Ukraine off the map. GTFO
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