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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. McCarthy is Johnny Manziel with more talent and less drug addiction.
  2. What you call "vermin," a Russian calls a pet. And likely "food."
  3. Never assign malice to what can be explained by simple stupidity.
  4. For the winners too. War widows, Gold Star moms, ptsd.
  5. Yes. The music in this scene was perfect.
  6. When I was young I read the IDF reserve was highly trained and very large. Is that true? Have they been called up?
  7. Yeah there ain't gonna be much left of Gaza or the Palestinians after this. That kinda savagery demands a response. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that it is.
  8. I thought that was hyperbole so I googled it. 2.3MM in Gaza. Woof.
  9. Certainly Hamas is following the Geneva Convention rules on the treatment of POW's.
  10. Can we request a title change to, "The Perpetual Middle East Quagmire Thread: Israel." Sadly, I think it fits.
  11. 100%?! I was promised it would always be worth about... Tree fiddy.
  12. That hellscape was made possible by Russia's ability to rain artillery. Does Israel have that? Do they have enough rockets and bombs? (I don't know. Just wondering.)
  13. 13 Hours. I think this movie gets a bad rap because it was directed by Michael Bay and because several of the men depicted decided to use it as a political tool in the 2016 election. And that's too bad because it's a very good movie. I'm sure it's sacrilege to say this; 13 Hours tells its story better than Lone Survivor. It's also more historically accurate.
  14. They killed tourists, including Americans. Again, why? What are these guys trying to accomplish?
  15. If Israel is bringing in tanks and goddamn artillery, they aren't gonna leave much of the Gaza strip when they're done.
  16. How did they manage to sneak all those missiles into Palestine? Israel's gotta outright invade them now, right?
  17. We never deserved Norm McDonald.
  18. To be fair, that could just as easily be Detroit.
  19. Pegging and Cracker Barrel. Try that in a small town.
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