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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. drt

    Austin FC

    Yeah, but most Euro stadiums have an extra time clock as well to let you know how much extra time has elapsed.
  2. drt

    Austin FC

    Well, we were comfortably the better team. That’s nice.
  3. drt

    Austin FC

    Somebody really needs to get into his agent’s ear about all the tax advantages
  4. drt

    Austin FC

    Glad we rested some legs. Dudes look dead
  5. drt

    Austin FC

    Well taken goal
  6. drt

    Austin FC

    Yeah. And the ref’ing sucks.
  7. drt

    Austin FC

    His momentum was carrying him away from goal so he tried to 1 time it. Didn’t get it clean.
  8. drt

    Austin FC

    @Brisketexan well, you wanted Poch to shoot more often.
  9. drt

    Austin FC

    It’s be nice if their professional fouls got carded like ours did.
  10. drt

    Austin FC

    Kicking the ball away after the whistle
  11. drt

    Austin FC

    What a shit end to the half. Kol is having a hard time defensively but looks pretty good going forward. Might need to shade the midfield to his side if we’re going to go after Bonilla and the guy on a yellow in the 2nd half.
  12. drt

    Austin FC

    Leaving your feet uncontrollably and taking out a player with your studs showing should always be a card.
  13. drt

    Austin FC

    Our movement in the box is terribad. Also makes finishing harder when there isn’t space created by runs.
  14. Those parents are adding vodka. Thus, the need for a straw.
  15. drt

    Austin FC

    He covers a fuckton of ground and wins a lot of 50/50s. I wish he didn’t wear his idiot hat so often as well, but he does a ton of the non flashy stuff well.
  16. Don't have the data, but I'm guessing the 12-18 age group is a big reason rates have been creeping back up. Whatever the reason, it's great to see.
  17. drt

    Port Aransas

    We are headed down this weekend. Not planning on eating out, goal is to be at the beach or at the house. Our kids haven't had much experience with dining out recently because of covid and asking them to be patient with the inevitable crowds, waits, and service just seems like a disaster by design. Feel bad about not supporting the locals but we need a break and some relaxation.
  18. That is the weirdest shit I've read in a very long time.
  19. Shockingly most of Europe has figured out how to get the majority of their utilities underground with more constraints and less room than what we have. All my coworkers from Germany look at our telephone poles for power and shake their head every time they visit. It’s not that hard. Just costs more.
  20. Similarly our power never went out in February because we have a Wastewater pump station less than 400 yards from the house. But realistically it sounds like even that might not insulate us this summer.
  21. I should probably ask this on the solar thread over in CYHMWT, but isn't that one of the selling points on the residential battery systems (Tesla, Kohler, etc)? In jurisdictions like Austin can't you draw first from your battery stores, rather than automatically selling all production first to Austin Energy? This has the side effect of allowing you to keep power on when grid goes down? I really need to get some solar quotes and ask these questions to them. Shit is expensive though.
  22. drt

    Euro 2020/2021

    Also, Germany's attacking movement sucks. All that talent and they're not working together, at all.
  23. drt

    Euro 2020/2021

    Jesus. Dude is fast.
  24. There is a practical limit to effectiveness of personal responsibility at scale, unless you're suggesting everyone should have wind, solar, or a backup generator ready to go. As you said, we need a smarter grid (among other things). I'd argue we need to add the word decentralized too, and make massive investments at both public an private level to make smarter, decentralized power grids a thing. How we do that securely, I don't know. There's a lot of shit to figure out, and unfortunately I don't have a lot of confidence in our leadership, the power producers, o
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