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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. 45 here. TCAD now has the market value at 2x what we paid for the house less than 5 years ago. And that’s with me protesting every year and getting money knocked off. We are guaranteed to hit the 10% homestead cap until we sell the house and move, whenever the hell that happens. Protax said “Sorry, not worth our time” last year so I’m guessing I’ll be making my yearly trek to their office yet again.
  2. Spot treat roundup as weeds appear, wait 2 days, pull by hand. Repeat as necessary. The salt will wash away somewhere, likely where you don't want it to be, and likely killing the non-hardscaped part of your yard.
  3. drt

    EPL 2018-19

    What a clearance off the line.
  4. RE the dawn wall: There simply aren't many .14D slab pitches anywhere, much less that are traverses. They didn't really have anywhere to practice except on the route itself, plus it's not like the way they went was super defined. They tried different versions of pitches in previous years, putting up a route like that is a very fluid process. In year 7, yes it came down to being able to do the hardest pitches, but that is after years and years of work not knowing if it's even possible. Plus, they had more cameras up there every successive year as they came closer to getting it. Compare that to Adam Ondra, he repeated it the next year and did it in 8 days. He didn't have do do any route finding and had a blueprint to follow, and he also had a non-climbing partner to shoulder more of the hauling/rigging/belaying. All he had to do was climb the pitches. Tommy and Kevin had a shitload of help and it still took them the better part of a month.
  5. You guys still worry about what a cut and color costs? All I know is I have 3 hours to watch sports on a Saturday with the kiddo and carte blanche to buy a new tool. Worth it.
  6. Serious question, how many of your clients are below the poverty line?
  7. drt


    Anyone have any good experiences in Vegas liquor stores? Passing through on our way out to southern Utah and a nice bottle or two would be cool to pick up.
  8. The coffee. Cold brew coffee is often served on nitro
  9. I helped a friend do some edging and then make some planters just like you describe. We just pounded 1/2 or 5/8 rebar into the ground to weld the edging to, the planters we used some angle to provide an internal frame. I'm a shitty welder and it was super easy, just tried to keep the welds from bleeding through the visible sides. Also keeps you from having to do any grinding. We were going to do similar but my better half decided kids and metal edging all over the front yard might not be the best idea. Personally I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but eh.
  10. It makes more sense when you combine it with the Hardy/Harding theory, but I agree it's still thin.
  11. drt

    Arsenal FC

    and suarez on for micki
  12. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Finally off that work call and we're up 3-0. Sokratis and Torrea on for Kosc and Gendouzi
  13. drt

    Arsenal FC

    First half ends 2-0. Bate were shaky the last 5, probably should have scored a 3rd.
  14. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Goal Mustafi with the header off a corner.
  15. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Wow, they just showed the replay of the goal, and it was a terrible own goal. Yikes.
  16. drt

    Arsenal FC

    I'm watching UnivisionNow with an AT&T login. And Lichenstien just cleared one off the line.
  17. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Well we already scored.
  18. Swifty in cans. This pleases me.
  19. The fact that some people believe this reality of bad actors in every layer of society is preferable to a reality where drugs are legal blows my mind.
  20. Ya as someone who graduated grad school in that time frame it made me live super poor and throw as much money as I could at 401k and Roth while I was single and right out of school. Now mid 30s and 1.5X even with a few promotions, and I still feel like I'm a little behind. Contrasting that, I married someone who makes a great salary (now) and I've been able to convince her to save almost as much percentage wise as I do. She entered the workforce right after school, and it also took her a few years to find a great job. That being said, her retirement accounts are way ahead of mine. She wasn't very aggressive about saving until after we married, but those extra few years in the workforce really added up. We no longer qualify for a standard Roth so we must be doing something right, but it's still a little intimidating forecasting retirement #'s considering my late start.
  21. drt

    Arsenal FC

    Goddamnit. Rambo leaving to Juve, knew it was coming but still feels like a fucking kick in the nuts.
  22. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Well that would be cool.
  23. http://austintexas.gov/news/december-2018-passenger-cargo-traffic-austin-bergstrom Wooo, water is wet, etc.
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