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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by drt

  1. It's another site for housing, services, etc. Basically an ARCH, but in a somewhat affordable neighborhood. Lord knows this shit wouldn't be in Tarrytown.
  2. I think it's the ISA building right there on the NE corner.
  3. I just tried to turn on the game via the Fox app again. Doesn't work, again. This is pathetic.
  4. drt

    USMNT 2019

    As long as it's not a major injury, I'm actually glad Adams is heading for a rest. Very little to be gained by him being there, imo.
  5. drt

    Austin FC

    Ya that fevo link is what my men's league team got sent by someone. So either our group is together, or we all just paid money to some enterprising individual.
  6. Same. Fuck Ann kitchen. She specifically said it would not be close to neighborhoods.
  7. It looks like they're moving a bunch of services to an as yet unnamed location in south Austin, likely close to us. Nextdoor has been a comedy the last couple of days.
  8. Mine will only open the tactical cam.
  9. drt

    USMNT 2019

    Uh, can you provide some background on that? If I remember correctly he was pretty clear about his recommendations to MLS around starting/improving their academies, but I have slept since then.
  10. I had a friend die of cervical cancer at 31. Diagnosed while she was on vacation for her 30th birthday. It was a terrible year while she fought the disease. That's now mostly preventable.
  11. Ya I ended up just going with Raleigh as Floratam apparently doesn't do well with any shade, and couldn't justify the extra cost for Amerishade around a house we might outgrow in a year or two. We'll see how it goes, I need to trim some limbs in the back as well so maybe that'll help. Also I'm tilling in some compost as the soil sucks currently.
  12. We hit https://www.zumaltenmarkt.de/ and https://www.goerreshof.de/ for bavarian food while we were there. Both good.
  13. Did not watch, but not sure that a bolt stunner kills viruses. Fire does. Sometimes.
  14. Jesus that’s a depressing stat
  15. https://mill-king.com/ is what we buy. It's delicious.
  16. We got golf ball sized hail in 78745
  17. I think its Tuesdays that CM Westgate has 25% off growler fills. I think growler fills were already cheaper for mainstays like EJ, but this makes it significantly less than going across the street and buying their beer at PHP South Lamar where it's brewed. Makes no sense, but I'm not arguing.
  18. Nephew had those. Worked great, wish they were a thing when I was a kid.
  19. That just moves the fix from after the group stage to before it.
  20. Idi Amin.gif and that’s coming from an arsenal fan. Whoever else said up thread it’s a large number of goals to replace is right. Our strikers covered up for a bunch of middling team performances in the 2nd half of the season to get results from games. Auba was the majority of that. Oddly, Arsenal mostly played well as a team early in the year and had shitty results. So who the f knows.
  21. If true, fuck them. That’s a terrible disease.
  22. I finally finished, had work and stuff that kept me from getting caught up. It certainly fits with GRRMs original title of "A time for wolves", and his assertion that there wouldn't be a happy ending. But jesusshitdicks, the writing fucking sucked. I even thought the acting performances from some of the weaker actors were better than previous seasons, but that wasn't enough.
  23. Definitely not close to Austin, but loads of fun if you want to make the drive: https://www.barnwellmountainra.com/
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