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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. While (almost) losing the lead in the division the team continues its climb to the top of the majors in blown saves. 23 blown in 47 attempts. That shitastic 51% conversion rate is 4th worst in the league. Everyone worse than the Rangers is at least 25 games under .500.
  2. Weird bit of trivia. She (albeit it at a younger age) filmed Evel tumbling down the asphalt at Caesars. Evans and John Derek were dating. The latter was working on a movie about Evel (it was never made). Linda was given a camera to shoot the landing. Some landing it was. She nailed the footage. Evel didn't nail the landing.
  3. The best part of the artist's rendering for the bridge going over Barton Creek was the people in business attire presumably walking downtown for a meeting. The rendering that was never circulated showed them passed out and dead just 10% into their destination. High comedy.
  4. It rained pretty much off and on all day Friday and Saturday. So pleasant. No one knew how to handle it. We didn't. Been there 15 - 20 times during the summer months and never had a situation where it was cooler there (much) than in Austin. Not sure how heavy things got Sunday as we got out early that morning.
  5. Yup, another benefit of the place - unobstructed view of the Bellagio fountains.
  6. The Marte walk was interesting but he inexplicably wasn't waved home. Alas, Smith took full advantage of another chance to secure things by serving up the game on a fucking platter.
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