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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. I have a similarly perfect skipping rock I saved on my valet stand in my closet. I hope to skip it when I visit Antarctica after skipping rocks in every ocean.
  2. Yeah to an open J Witt who has a ready blocker on the only DB on that giant open side of the field. J Witt finishes as a legend rewarded for all his hard work. Life is good...
  3. Pretty much my sentiments. My son kinda took it pretty hard though. "House money" and what have you for me, but J Witt has been his favorite player for two years plus. Having him go out like that so close; sucks
  4. Have you never been to burbs in Houston? My guess is Cypress.
  5. needs to buy that lady some fucking hand cream... Im declining that hand job. No way I'd finish.
  6. Snow is getting thin in Wolf Creek, my knee had enough fun by 2 even though my quads and hams were fine, even with yesterday off. Kinda hurt my pride to stop so early. Need to keep hitting the gym and maybe mix in more impact activity and box jumps. Today will be motivation for next year or later this year.
  7. So when it comes to tortillas both Tacos?
  8. I use ski and surf trips as a motivation to hit the gym. I'm late 40s. Why not get motivated to see the light before you feel the heat? That said I'm hitting yoga and the gym hard next year. Getting old requires more work.
  9. I saw a pretty, but pretty fat chick take off her bikini top in the lodge today whilst skiing. She just took the bikini top off while taking off her sweater on accident and it got all tangled up. So I got to see some nice b cup titties with great nips and horribly unfortunate fat rolls just below. That crew was pounding drinks and fireballs. Pretty funny. Would... The titties, not the fat rolls. But prolly from Oklahoma or Kansas.
  10. I bet Mencken was hated by his family and friends; because he was generally correct and cut through bullshit like a razor.
  11. Sipapu is great when they have snow for people on a budget with kids that can ski a bit. Small, hard to get lost etc. Powder days are fun. I'd still take Santa Fe, it's my number one including Taos unless I'm strictly doing a trip with advanced skiers then I'll take Taos. A Fire is fun on a powder day because you get powder skiing in the morning, spring skiing in the afternoon and water skiing on the last run of the day.
  12. Dont sleep on Santa Fe. It can he sneaky good. It appears more snow has fallen South this year. Wolf Creek is fully open including most of the hike in terrain. Great snow still around, and there no lift lines. I love this mountain. Yes it's thin on the advanced terrain, but we found great snow and a few little powder stashes even this many days later. My son is finally able to keep up and ride fast and now I'm all busted up and old. I normally ride, but I'm skiing this year for the first time in probably 7 years and everything hurts, blue moguls felt challenging and I had to quit at 245. I normally ride open to close. Upside is he's old enough to do his own thing.
  13. Kinda brilliant producing a shirt that your fans mindlessly gobble up today, and then your rivals also want to buy ironically a few years later. Aggy big brains!
  14. I dunno that sounds like the dream tbh....
  15. Holy shit the entire state excepting our alumnus love to hate us, our local sports beat writer routinely votes against conventional wisdom and one of the greatest college players of all time, but BOMC Why we are dealing with these clowns again directly again I'll never know.
  16. I went to elementary school with a dude that was like 15 in fourth grade, fucked a horse and dropped out. I think he fucked the horse prior to and unrelated to the academic slide. Fucker was fast as fuck at smeer the (edit)( dude with the ball.) Acres Homes holla! But that asshole didn't sign his post like a goddamn weirdo. -BTR
  17. Santa Fe Got 10", nice to see snow in town and on the square. Did the walk up Canyon Road. Been coming here about once a year since I started UT in the 90s, Pretty magical town.
  18. Kinda built like my wife, I like it myself, but also fat ngl.
  19. This is breathtakingly erroneous and chalk full of horseshit. I realize it's often repeated as truth, but that doesn't make it true. The GOP has moved from wanting guest workers programs and amnesty to not wanting Any immigration and deporting everyone. How can Dems "work" with that position? Immigrants are not a monolithic voting block. See South Texas or Florida.
  20. Perhaps their wagon lost a wheel, or they lacked ambition one?
  21. But then you spend the rest of your life getting solicitations from Republican grifters.
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