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Ojo Rojo

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Everything posted by Ojo Rojo

  1. I think it boiled down to two choices: 1) Spend all of the money available during the offseason to get the LF, C and maybe additional SP you think you need, or 2) Sign the biggest need of them all - 1B - re-sign your best reliever, re-sign Brantley and take the risk that he's the same guy he was in 2022 before injury, save the money you have to spend for the deadline, when you might be able to get someone with some team control at one of these positions of need. We probably have a playoff team as-is, so it's not like you have to spend everything you have just to get to the playoffs. Waiting until the deadline lets you know where you really need to commit your resources to make a WS run after all the variables play out - Brantley, injuries, Brown, all of our new dudes.
  2. Brantley's stat line in 64 games last season: .288 .370 .416 .786 He also had 5 home runs. Projected out for an entire season, he hits 12. Power is nice, but hitting for average and getting on base is good too. I don't know. Just because we didn't have someone with the GM title doesn't mean there was no plan. I think they did exactly what they wanted to do. They signed a first baseman, re-signed one of our best relievers and held tight on pretty much everything else. They passed on some opportunities, but I think those decisions were deliberate, not because there was no one doing the job.
  3. Like many of you, I don't understand why Chas is not our regular CF. I get wanting to test Meyers because he is/was considered to have a higher ceiling. At what point to you make that decision? Never? Given last season, that decision should have already been made. Now we're seeing what we have in Julks too. My guess is that Chas is the postseason starter unless he just gets flat beat out during the season, where these other guys are going to get some PT. Many people on this board only seem to appreciate offense for position players. Maldonado is not a good offensive player. This is known. His defense is just okay. Where he excels, and obviously what the organization and the pitching staff values, is his ability to call a game and handle pitchers. We won the fucking World Series last year, had a Cy Young winner and the best bullpen in the league with him as the primary catcher. He had something to do with all that. I also don't understand how some people can be so certain that Brantley is washed. He was doing well before he got injured last year. I realize the decline due to age can happen fast, but what are y'all looking at to see such a decline? I don't like the 3-4 start, at home, to the White Sox and fucking Tigers. But, it's only seven games and we're currently without our most important player. We're a different team with Altuve and Brantley. Offseason. Our roster has some holes; every roster in MLB does. We could have used a LF, C and SP. We signed Brantley to split LF and DH with Yordan. I'm okay with it. If he is what he has been then it was a great move. If he has seriously declined then I think it was a gamble worth taking. I'm okay with rolling with Maldy at C. Yes, he sucks offensively. But with our lineup (assuming our regulars are healthy) we can bear a hole in the 9 spot. I think he brings a lot of value to the team with what he does well. We came into the season with six legit starters. One being a fairly unproven rookie, but still. LMJ goes down and we're down to 5. So now we're looking a little thin. Should the FO have gone out and signed a SP instead? In my opinion, no. We've got some money left to spend this year. I expect the plan is to wait and see how the season shakes out. See what our record is at the deadline and who is doing well and who is not and plug the holes accordingly. I'd be good with that.
  4. In a former life I sold replacement windows. I went to this house one time where the owner had gone on a 3-4 month sailing trip. Shortly after he left, a toilet fill valve malfunctioned and filled the entire house up with about 6" of water. I don't know how or why the bottom 6" was water tight, but it was. Came home after being gone and opened the front door and water and floating magazines and shit came pouring out. Black mold from floor to ceiling.
  5. Hmmm...if it's money then my pussy-carrier must be broken because it's not working.
  6. This exact thing happened to me. True story.
  7. Because it is something I am monitoring to see if I can continue such activity or if I'm going to have to have surgery, which affects her.
  8. This process has started with me too. She knows it. She accuses me of tuning her out, zoning out and pretending to listen. It's not intentional; it's a defense mechanism. I've just come to realize that easily 85% of the shit she says to me is either plain wrong, shit I don't want to hear or unnecessary filler. It's like, instead of telling me, "I went to Costco today," she tells me all the roads she took to get there. Why do women do this?
  9. Preface: My wife is one of these semi-anti-western medicine (aka "science") people. She doesn't accept the simple, medically sound explanations for shit and tries all kinds of herbal and new agey remedies. I have a torn labrum in my right shoulder. It hurts most of the time, but only acutely when I move in certain ways. I was given the options of surgery with a 6-month recovery time or just living with the pain. For now, because I can still do everything I want to do, I am living with the pain. This past Sunday I paddled a canoe 20 miles. It's the most strenuous exercise I've done that could affect my shoulder since I injured it. Yesterday and today, my shoulder has been hurting more than it had been. I told my wife this. She told me it was because of the way I sleep with my arm under my head; something I have done almost every night of my life, including constantly since I injured my shoulder. Me: "Or it could be that I paddled 20 miles yesterday." Tone. Postscript: Underlying this is my wife trying to find a way for this to be my fault. After nearly 14 years of marriage it has now become reflexive.
  10. Fucker, did you break into my home?
  11. One of my relatives just posted a video clip of Gaetz in a congressional military hearing where he said that military operations were suspended because someone found 51 whales (species previously unknown until 2021) in the area and that China purchased an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico that is also being used for intelligence gathering. In the video he's sarcastically trying to skewer DOD and military officials testifying at the hearing over these issues. I had to come here to vent. Anything that comes out of his mouth is verbal diarrhea. If you can't decipher propagandist, out-of-context lies coming from this shitbag and his ilk, then you are an idiot and you should not be allowed to vote.
  12. Somebody has way too much fucking time on their hands.
  13. Tabasco for eggs, hamburger helper/tuna helper, bloody Marys, and any Cajun gumbo/jambalaya, creole. Sriracha for anything Asian.
  14. I don't think we got a differentiating ADHD diagnosis. They also diagnosed him with a fine motor skills development disorder, but we think that has been corrected or gone by the wayside now. To me, my son exhibits hardly any of these on the chart to a great degree. Impulsivity, yes, but almost none of the others on the H side. When he gets nervous he can fidget. When he doesn't win or doesn't do well at something his self esteem is greatly affected. Those are honestly the only ones I think fit.
  15. Saw this thread got bumped, so I'll post an update. Since we took our son out of the private school last spring things have been better overall for us and him. I think he was so stressed out every day in that environment and he relaxed immediately after he was taken out of it. That allowed my wife and me to breathe a little bit too. We had the focalin scrip and we filled it, gave it to him for a couple of weeks, but it did not make his main issues any better at all. We got through the summer just fine. He was at camps and whatnot, so he wasn't in difficult environments for him. We still had to make a school decision. We opted for the public school in our neighborhood. It's a Montessori school and we thought the completely different curriculum that allows more choices and freedom of movement, etc. would be better for him. Plus, we figured the public school had more resources for this kind of thing and the teachers were probably used to and willing to put up with a lot more shit than the private school teachers. The fall semester went really well. A few issues here and there, but overall he was doing great. We were in pretty constant contact with the teacher and her aide (who we knew from a previous school, which was a great bonus). During the spring, though, he started to regress to the same behaviors we saw last spring. My wife and I both got the feeling of "here we go again." Some of our son's behaviors were pretty severe - hitting other kids, knocking over furniture, running out of the classroom. The teachers took it way more in stride than the private school teachers, but still, things reach a point where they have to escalate. We are kind of at that point now. We decided to give the focalin another try. We dosed him last Sunday to see how it affected him. Not good. It was his little brother's birthday party day and my parents were in town, so there was a lot of stimulation. He was talking really fast and had a hard time getting all of his thoughts out. During the party, he isolated himself and just sat in a corner until we finally coaxed him to move to a better place for him to chill out. He kept saying weird shit, like how he had all of these problems and no one could fix them. It was kind of heartbreaking to witness. My wife and I decided that the focalin was a total disaster and that we weren't going to give it to him again. This caused us to think that maybe he was misdiagnosed altogether. His diagnosis was ADHD. I can't say I have the scientific definition memorized, but our son does not have problems keeping his attention on something. Quite the opposite actually. He is not hyperactive. Again, quite the contrary - he loves nothing more than to chill on the couch at home with his iPad. My theory is that he actually has OCD and possibly depression (just like me and probably several others in my family). We had a consult with the pediatrician and his psychologist. They agreed that we should discontinue the focalin. On Monday, he was still kind of experiencing the effects of the focalin and I could tell he was off, but we sent him to school anyway. He lasted fifteen minutes before the teacher texted my wife telling her that he was having a bad day and raging out. We probably could have left him there, but I went and picked him up and stayed with him at home until my wife could relieve me. We were feeling a bit overwhelmed at that point. Luckily, while my wife was at work (she works at a swanky health club) one of her clients noticed something was wrong and my wife told her what was up. The client, who is a wealthy and connected older lady, stopped their session right then and there and put in a call to a friend who is a child psychiatrist. We had an appointment with another one, but the earliest we could get in was late April, which might've been too late for us. This new doc called back almost immediately and Voila! we got an appointment for next week. That's how the RPN (Rich People Network) works! Anyway, we're pretty excited about this new doc. My wife talked to him already and he understood the situation immediately. He also thinks maybe he was misdiagnosed and that focalin wasn't the right drug for him. So, right now we're just waiting for the psychiatrist appointment and we'll see what happens from there.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpt6B0dIYGo
  17. What a spectacular fall from grace. Remind me to never fuck with opioids. I know this, for myself and everyone else, if you get yourself in trouble, make some bad decisions, whatever - put down the shovel and stop digging your hole deeper. Just admit you fucked up, commit to doing better and making amends. The sooner the better. Shit will suck for a little while, but you can ultimately get your life back and maybe better.
  18. I just started getting sucked into this story in the last 2-3 days. I am glad that I cannot imagine the mind of a sick fuck who would kill his own wife and son to try to take the heat off of himself for financial crimes he committed. I just cannot imagine someone being that fucking evil.
  19. Ojo Rojo

    Getting old sucks

    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Cool, cool.
  20. They are nihilists. Nothing to be afraid of.
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