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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. Collin has been about the most disappointing senior season I've seen in a decade. Another game without him means another limited offense where we get to see Eagles and Washington drop passes, Burt take up space and Smith ride the bench again. I'm ecstatic!
  2. I think they'll kill the BMF shit, and rightfully so, but fuck I can't wait for this. I'm 90% sold that this is going to happen as well. Both fighters want it, I now see that Jorge is playing the UFC the way he should ($$$, fuck the belt), and I don't think there's a fight out there that makes more sense. Not sure how Nick boxes better than Nate, considering they learned from the same, but there is intrigue in Nick being bigger. I'd waste my time and ask for a come-back fight for Nick first, but we all know he wants THE fight.
  3. IDK if it's just this season or if he's trending this way, but he sure seems more like a 15/6 type guy now. He hasn't been willing to mix it up in the paint this year to fight for rebounds, or use his little one-handed side runner he learned from Timmy. Hell I've spent 2 straight postseasons waiting for him to get aggressive and be big on the inside, but he only seems to get aggressive when our season is on the line (too little too late). Case in point, trying to get us out of this damn losing streak he's had 13 and 9 rebounds the past 2 games, but both were still losses and he's still only averaging 6.6 rebounds a game overall. Unless another team is reading this thread, then I say LMA is a damn fine player ready to lead your team with veteran presences and rock-solid contributions night-in and night-out. You can count on him!
  4. Very emblematic of how Boomers and Gen Xers still don't understand how the educational debt explosion happened, but are super down to shake their fists at millenials for being in debt. What the fuck was this post about again? (I did take $350 junior year to attend 2008 RRS though. You're fucking welcome, that was my first of two wins in the cotton bowl. 45-35 for life, and I'd fucking do it again in a heartbeat)
  5. If we're going to bring up stats and talk about the "whole picture" of his play, then let's bring up who his receivers were in 2015/2016. Top 2 receivers (by receptions). 2015 (Kap started 8 games, Gabbert started 8 games): A 35-year old Anquan Boldin and Torrey Smith. Smith was 2 years past his prime 2013 season, and never recorded more than 500 yards after this season, with 3 different teams. 2016 (where Kap started 11 games): Jeremy Curley and Quinton Patton. Curley would be out of the league 2 years later, never to be a Top 2 receiver again. Patton would never record another stat again, ever. Not sure if he retired or just hit the bench. I'm just bringing up stats for arguments' sake, because I hate when people act like he was shitty. I think it's a weak argument and uninformed. However, I actually can agree with the fact that maybe a few GMs actually think he's a league-average QB, and probably worth starting over a few starters right now, but I don't blame them for one second in not wanting the headache and/or distraction. He can be a backup-worthy QB and still not be worth the headache, I understand that.
  6. It was way out there, but I had fun watching it unravel. Better than last week's episode.
  7. This is silly. JaMar Smith from Tulsa is an average quarterback. A bad QB is the one from Rice. Charlie Brewer is a good QB, Jalen Hurts is more than "good". The bar is so f'n high because they're coming off of 2 Heisman winners. Those are GREAT college quarterbacks. Hurts ain't that, but saying he's not good is silly. He'll be 1st-team all-conference and we can take the butt hurt into next year and hope that Sam has a chip on his shoulder. Not that he needs it more than others on this team.
  8. Didn't they beat Jones last year? I'm assuming the entire team came back to improve as much as they have. They'll still have to deal with the same QB that beat them though. I might make the drive down to SA to catch LF/LH. Not expecting a win but expecting a toss-up.
  9. BurdineBandit


    Think I found my first favorite strain (relatively a rookie still): Hawai'i'n Diesel is my speed. Sativa with a jolt of euphoric energy. Let me put on a movie that'll bring a smile to my face.
  10. IIRC December/January was when I remember Derrick injecting defense and hustle into our lineup. But Pop has him on some weird-ass restriction now. 23 mpg ain't gonna cut it.
  11. Fuck it. Friend got 2 in 90. Better than the 77 and 60 I had that crashed on me. 90 isn't completely to the side of the stage like those were. I'll be sure to emit enough smoke to help Junior with his first contact high. We should all do our part.
  12. Welp at least we're all on the same playing field. I got to the Find Tickets page too. Then 504.
  13. And my waiting room is just loading now.... spinning wheel for a few minutes.... baby steps.
  14. I'm getting a server error. They seem very prepared for this.
  15. I saw this 2 nights ago. Always been fascinated with Hippie shit, 60s, Cali in the 60s, etc, so it was very interesting and I was thoroughly enjoying it until every single interruption for Jacob to play his renditions. After the first one I forwarded through all the remaining 17. You old shits are reminding me I should send it to my dad, he'd enjoy it. I assume Michelle Phillips is the Mama that smashed both the Papas? That non-apology she gave for cheating on her husband because "that's just how she was, and still is really" was pretty head-scratchingly hilarious.
  16. I didn't expect LaMarcus to look this bad to open the season. I know he's getting older, but at 6'11" and 32 mpg, he needs to be getting more than 6.1 rebounds per game. It's a career low and it's not even close. I'm surprised that he's shooting about his average in SA right now (51%), but if he's not going to hustle and work down low, then our ceiling is what we are right now. Middling 40-win team. The sooner we move on from DDR the better. And we need Dejounte to be cleared asap.
  17. Stopped at Pinkerton's yesterday afternoon and was satisfied. Brikset 8/10 - supremely tender but I'd have liked a biiiiit more kick with the rub/pepper. Ribs 9/10 - Both the dry and glazed/candy paint were phenomenal. Falling off the bone. I never hold the sides against a bbq spot, but I will give credit to them.... the mac & cheese was great.
  18. Just saw this today. I will be buying tickets Friday and walking to Erwin center from the East side in january. Can't wait. Heard great reviews from SA.
  19. Poaching? They must not be doing a very good job if they're finishing up 7-3 without any out-of-RGV games. I don't see why anybody would leave the Harlingen area when the Cardinals are there. And Vela can't be poaching much when there's team(s) in Weslaco, McAllen and Mission that are better than they are. Hopefully they make the trip down 83 to Harlingen and get sent packing though. As you can tell I got a dog in the fight. La Feria gotta play La Vernia 1st round. Wtf. And apparently Liberty Hill if they win. So much for getting rewarded for a 10-0 season with an easy matchup. They used to get rewarded with Zapata or Sinton.
  20. MOC can be tiring, but damn if he doesn't get the allure of old Austin. He gets it, and is the only person we have speaking up for it on a big stage outside of reddit/interwebz. I loved his few sentences on the city and "Keeping Austin, Austin". I followed the show on Twitter and saw more than a few people tweeting about wanting to visit Austin now, which kind of defeats the purpose of his rambling, but also argues against the "nobody outside of UT listens to his shtick" point. Good episode, I like having my knob polished on national television as an alumn, corny or not.
  21. It was incredibly absurd that the media didn't care to make them prove it. They're fucking Cleveland, I will NEVER give them the benefit of the doubt.
  22. Looks like I may have to suck it up and take the L, pussy. I'm a Diaz fanboy, but still really like Jorge (how can you not), but going in I thought the most likely scenario was Jorge lands big and ends it early, or he doesn't and Nate drags him into deep waters and sees if he can survive hell. Unfortunately Nate's face only allowed for half of that. It's all just sour grapes now, but even going into the 4th round, just that visual of Nate jogging on his feet while Jorge's face has changed from his 1st-round smirk to a blank stare like "wtf do I gotta hit this guy with" is tough to swallow. The 3rd round is when some ground game got involved, a bit of wrestling, a leg lock attempt, some clean 1-2s from Nate, etc. The fight was getting competitive.
  23. Agreed. He's calculated. This isn't for nothing. Also agreed that DDR can't be a black hole. He's had a couple games with 0 assists as well. He looked great for a spurt last night, but that's negated by his own shitty play with turnovers. Hoping LMA is just off on the jumpers, because if he has games like last night often, yeah he's on the decline big-time. If he can play at last year's level, he'll be fine, and we will too.
  24. The Search for Pitmaster Ramone, the Man Behind Subway’s Smoked Brisket Thought this belongs here.
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