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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Can you do voice recording over the prison phone?
  2. Supposedly Michael Peña is going to be Ding Chavez. That’s horrible casting.
  3. Ugh. Gatorade fat people commercial is on heavy rotation today.
  4. First one with the Traeger. Turned out pretty good. Used the Carnivore Black seasoning.
  5. I was gonna say the Smit’s death episode of NYPD Blues as well. That and the one where Sipowitz’s son gets killed. Man, they treated that character bad over the life of that series.
  6. I’ve had an egg for ages. Was more curious if there are any gotchas using a pellet for brisket. Those videos make it seem pretty easy.
  7. Wife gave me a Traeger for Christmas. Brisket will be the first cook. You guys have any direction without me having to read through this whole thread backwards?
  8. I would bet that this is closer to the real Tom Cruise than any part he’s played before or since.
  9. Has anyone been to the Costco Business center or whatever in Dallas? The talk of whole pigs is intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to its newsletter.
  10. They should have brought their essential oils!
  11. I will be shocked if this makes enough money to convince them that we need more of them. I don’t know a single person, adult or kid, that is interested in seeing this.
  12. There is a whole code to the price tags that you can google. The main one that you need to know is if the tag has an * on it, they are going to stop carrying it soon.
  13. Had my first last month because of the aforementioned friends. The prep work (shitting your brains out) was the worst part of it. I didn't even walk funny after getting the camera up the butt.
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