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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. It’s like an orange on a toothpick. If they lose he’ll cry himself to sleep on his huge pillow.
  2. Wonder if they can get his body back to the US for an autopsy.
  3. Did you watch it? Trailer had me hopeful that it would be good.
  4. Maybe she was a shitty cook and wants him to carry on the family tradition.
  5. Is HIV making a big comeback? Seems like so many HIV drug commercials the last few months.
  6. My point was it probably would/should have been caught earlier. I have 2 friends that have both been diagnosed with late stage cancer that are in the same boat.
  7. Lot of people paying for not going to the doctor for a couple of years.
  8. Dude. Rat Patrol and Combat were awesome.
  9. Accents bothered me too. The girl on girl made us check out with the kids. Sounds like it isn't worth watching on my own.
  10. Hate that guy with his never ending sweater combos and his huge hands.
  11. I saw him out there celebrating without a shoe and no bandage or anything on the ankle. Couldn't be too bad, right?
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