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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. Latest episode (Part 4) was a step back. Bears repeating but Reva is poorly written and terribly acted/directed. She sucks. And the more they have Leia and Ben interact, the more damage they do to the storyline in A New Hope.
  2. Saw it last night at Bullock imax. Can’t remember ever enjoying a movie in the theater more than that. It was awesome. They knew exactly how to thread the needle of action, nostalgia, realism, and fantasy. It was great. Before the movie started I did have a dark thought about how easy it would be for some sicko to step into the theater and mow everybody down. But I recovered quickly and got lost in the action. The comment above about Cruise smiling and it being positive was spot on; we needed a movie that was almost pure joy. The hero is a hero, nobody dies, the good guys win, and the hero gets the girl. Money.
  3. Yep. Need to take an example from this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till Every person against massive reform of our gun laws should be forced to look at those precious, decapitated children.
  4. Increases in cases tapered off significantly around here last week (175/100k vs 169 previous week). Only 59 hospitalizations currently in Austin MSA. This case wave doesn’t look like it’ll cause much of a hospitalizations wave.
  5. That’s fine, but I think the Maton we saw in last year’s playoffs was the guy Click thought he was trading Straw for. Seems pretty clear they thought changing his pitch mix would result in a step up.
  6. Also, not sure what’s going on with Maton, but he’s nowhere near the dominant guy we saw last playoffs. His velo is down so I’m wondering if he’s hurt or if the slider the Astros made him start throwing is fuckin with him somehow. Hopefully he gets back on track because he is a badass when he’s on.
  7. Andrew Chafin should be a cheap effective rental lefty reliever.
  8. Some random Astros thoughts on a Saturday morning: That Yordan extension is a steal for Houston unless there’s some health concern that isn’t public knowledge. Like the first Altuve extension was far and away Luhnow’s best move, this Yordan deal very well could end up being the best signing of Click’s tenure. That move single-handedly extended the window. i think unless Yuli is hiding an injury he’s toast. I’m fine riding with him the rest of the season because of how important he’s been to the franchise and clubhouse but I don’t think they’ll make much effort to resign him. And it might make sense to go grab a bench bat that crushes lefties to hide him a bit. For now I’m ok testing out a Jones/Matijevic combo at 1B next season. I’m getting very excited about Abreu. Sitting 98 with his fb and has been extremely effective. He is one more minor degree of improvement away from being an elite closer. I’d like to see him get some high leverage opportunities now that the Astros have big division lead. Montero, Neris, and Abreu have been money.
  9. Stocks sell off because of… *checks notes*…jobs report coming in higher than expected.
  10. I absolutely think Pete would be doing a worse job than Biden had he been the nominee, and do you know why? BECAUSE DONALD FUCKING TRUMP WOULD STILL BE PRESIDENT. Biden is/was the only candidate who could/can defeat Trump. Pete is unelectable in the current political climate because he is gay. But he is also inexperienced as fuck. I don’t know what Biden has done that has you describing him as “incredibly inept”. For me, his primary failures have been: overstimulation of the economy very early in his term, failing to get the Saudis to play ball on oil supply, and not somehow convincing the 2 independent democratic senators to abolish the filibuster and/or pass more of his agenda. But otherwise I think he’s managed foreign policy very well (Russia is literally losing a kinetic war without a single American casualty). And his moves to manage the economy have been good; unemployment is low as fuck and will stay that way, and I believe inflation will calm down by the end of the summer (although not due to any credit to Biden other than staying calm). I have said from the beginning that Biden is too fucking old to be president. I would be in favor of not allowing anyone over 70 to be eligible. But Biden has largely answered the call of the moment, mostly by not being Donald Trump. And I think it would be monumentally stupid not to nominate him again, mostly because the bench is weak as fuck.
  11. I would be very interested in what the data shows on why hospitalizations are so much lower with this wave, the difference in contribution between it being a weaker strain vs people being vaxxed vs people having previous infections.
  12. Your revolution is over, Mr. BurntOrange&White. Condolences. The bums won. My advice is to do what your kids did; get a work from home job, sir. The bums will always win. Do you hear me, BurntOrange&White?
  13. This. I have worked extensively with offshored teams and they simply are not able to provide the same level of services, and that’s without even considering the time zone difference. India will probably catch up, but it’ll be awhile and by that point AI will be the bigger threat to US remote-work jobs.
  14. In Austin the number of documented cases has gone up 3 fold over the last 6 weeks but hospitalizations have not nearly followed the same trajectory, especially considering there are likely a shitload of cases going untested or caught by at-home tests. There are still <50 hospitalized in the MSA. So it looks like there is a big difference in this wave thru some combo of weaker strain and existing antibodies.
  15. Elon is fucking up, unless as speculated up thread he’s just laying groundwork for a big layoff. Forcing employees to come into an office is stupid. It is inefficient (time employees have to spend getting ready and commuting, time employees spend socializing unproductively, etc.). It exposes a lack of trust that employers have in their employees. And it’s costly (maintaining the office). Some jobs can only be done onsite, but that number is decreasing rapidly as technology advances. Some roles benefit from in person interaction. But most jobs that require in-office work are just the result of a boomer boss with antiquated views.
  16. That headline does not match the tenor of Dimons actual words. That said, fuck Jamie Dimon.
  17. Watched the most recent episode again and noticed some things:
  18. GQP gonna FAFO what happens when there actually is a fraudulent election. That revolution fantasy they all hold ain’t gonna go as expected.
  19. That 3rd episode was fucking awesome. McGregor is absolutely killing it in this role. If this were a feature film he’d be on track for an Oscar-caliber performance. If they’re trying to portray Reva as conflicted they’re more just making her look like a shitty actress. I hate her character for all the wrong reasons. But there are good (non storytelling) reasons why she might be a double agent or turn.
  20. Donald Trump is an extremely unique case who just happened to be perfectly suited (or imperfectly suited, depending on how you look at it) for a moment in time. His “brand” goes back 40 years; I remember seeing him on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the late 80s. He cultivated an image of himself as a self-made billionaire playboy (which is obviously NOT what he is/was), while injecting himself into political conversations without actually being considered a politician. Yes, the Apprentice shows brought him forward to a younger, broader audience and further enhanced his image as an entrepreneur (among the stillborn numbskull crowd), but there were 3 decades of brand work leading up to that. Then, we elected a black president and all the stillborn numbskulls freaked out. My opinion is that Trump was one of VERY few people in the country who had the public persona and desire to step into the void that created. All that is to say that I don’t think we will ever see another Donald Trump. Not only is he a unique personality, but the moment he seized is passing and unlikely to be duplicated. And his kids are especially ill-suited to replicate his path, given they have done an extremely poor job of cultivating anything about them that says “self-made”. Thats not to say I’m totally optimistic about the country’s future. Our future could be dark as fuck. But that would be led by Trump himself (if he wins in 2024), or by someone quite different than Trump.
  21. There should be a rule where if a poster comments more than 3 times in a thread they can never claim to “give 0 fucks about” the topic of that thread.
  22. Somebody mentioned up thread that Beto has fucked up by making his campaign about him. The comment above further made the point by noting that Beto talks too fucking much. Beto should be mass producing stickers that say “FIX. THIS. SHIT.”, with “Beto” underneath it in tiny font. Instead his stickers say “Beto”. He should speak in sound bites. “We can’t have another Uvalde”, and stop talking. “We can’t have another winter power outage”, and stop talking. Sure, provide details on your plans on your website. But in any interview/debate, keep things short, focusing on how fucked up everything is under Abbott. Beto has some charisma, but he’s got no chance this fall.
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