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Snake Diggity

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Everything posted by Snake Diggity

  1. Handicapping futures for this turd: Hosts far-right podcast called “The Cawthorn Truthcast” 65% Dies from drug overdose or car wreck 20% Retreats and remakes himself in a normal life as a real estate agent 10% Unsuccessfully campaigns for office 4% Successfully campaigns for office 1%
  2. Oh shit, my bad. I didn’t realize I was responding to someone who was stillborn.
  3. Of course. It’s always been like that and it will never change. And I don’t even think it’s inherently wrong. But there need to be reasonable limits. As was said above, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
  4. The vast majority of data on class mobility and wealth creation contradicts your opinion. Education and access to capital (which are overwhelmingly linked to how wealthy your parents are) are by far and away the factors most closely linked to class mobility and wealth creation.
  5. We went to the Austin rodeo earlier this year and there was a food truck advertising the “Holiday House” style hamburger. I got their hickory burger and it was one of the best hamburgers I have ever eaten. This is it: https://lonosketo.com I have eaten more hamburgers in my life than pretty much anyone I know. I get cravings for pretty much all of the chains; Whataburger, Culver’s, Sonic, P Terry’s, hell even McDonalds all have their time/place (fuck Wendy’s). My favorite fancy/expensive burger is Clark’s in Austin.
  6. I am too lazy to research this elsewhere: if inflation is being caused by an oversupply of money, why are stocks falling? Wouldn’t everyone having too much cash and nowhere to spend it result in people buying more stocks as a store of value, causing the market to rise? Or is the shift in sentiment forcing people to pull money out of stocks to pay for other things that have gone up in price?
  7. Don’t really have one, but I’m a 90s kid so there’s dozens of songs from that era that would be on the list of options. The first time I heard “I will follow you into the dark” by Death Cab for Cutie, I remember thinking that it was very close to perfection. I feel the same about “Let It Be”.
  8. Starting to think that Pennsylvania senate race will be very telling about the future of our country. If Mastriono or Barnette win that race I think we are still very much at risk of not being a democracy in 6 years. If someone like Fetterman wins easily then I will take it as a sign that Trumpism is fading. Not currently optimistic.
  9. Siri has been a better player than McCormick so far this season. Not saying we should expect that to be the case over the long haul, but it would not shock me if McCormick was optioned instead of Siri once Meyers get back. Dubon is out of options so if they want to add a position player then Siri and McCormick are the only players other than Pena who can be optioned.
  10. Rep not enough, this is really well put.
  11. Its hard to root for bench players who strike out a lot. Because of how sporadically they play and how they’re used, it seems like they strike out every time. That’s why most were happy to see Robel Garcia go and will be happy to see Goodrum go even though they weren’t worthless. Just frustrating. But those are the same guys who come up in a big situation and hit a HR in the playoffs that makes them legends. They are rostered because they are adequate defensively and have power in their bat, the trade off is k’s. Guys like Dubon are easier to root for because they don’t k as much. But Dubon is less likely to hit that playoff homer.
  12. Goodrum still has options remaining, so he can be optioned and stashed in case of emergency.
  13. Papierski is an underrated prospect. He will make a good long term backup in the big leagues and could even be a fringey regular. But this is a very good trade for Houston. Dubon is a versatile good defender who doesn’t strike out much. Clear upgrade over Goodrum and probably also more valuable than Diaz. Flipping a guy that isn’t even on any org top 30 prospect lists for a solid mlb utility guy is a credit to Click and a sign Houston’s farm is underrated.
  14. The package I described would be worth it in my opinion. Soto is already making $17M in his first arb year so he’s going to be very expensive for the next 2.5 years and would restrict what other moves they could make and possibly prevent extending Tucker or Alvarez. But he is one of the 3 best hitters on earth and I think he’d significantly increase the odds of winning another WS in this window.
  15. A fuckload. Not sure Houston has the prospects to make that trade unless the Nats want to shed Corbin’s or Strasburg’s contracts. Only other possibility is if the Nats love Garcia or Javier and Houston trades from that depth. I could see Javier, McCormick, Hunter Brown, and Pedro Leon being close to enough, especially if Corbin comes back with Soto. Very unlikely they trade Soto but if they do I think they’ll be looking for multiple elite (MLB Top 25 type) prospects and Houston just doesn’t have that right now. But Soto would be a game changer and one of the only bats that might be available who would serve as a meaningful upgrade.
  16. Perfect day, realistically? Sleep in. Do my wife. Go for a run. Eat a good lunch. Go volunteer somewhere for a couple hours. Watch UT or the Astros on TV in the evening. Eat a great dinner cooked by my wife. Put my daughters to bed. Do my wife again. Fall asleep watching a good movie. 24 hours just ain’t enough.
  17. American workers have been reaping a smaller % of the benefits of their work relative to American business owners since the 70's. This has led to all kinds of negative outcomes but relevant to this thread, it has led to a dramatic decrease in the dignity of work. Popular culture and management/ownership attitudes have exacerbated that problem. I still firmly believe demographics heavily favor the American worker in the short, medium, and long term relative to the American business owner. So my opinion is that the wave of leverage the American worker has been wielding recently isn't going to go away over any extended period of time. There may be economic downturns that temporarily reduce the leverage but generally, I believe there will be more jobs than workers moving forward. One thing on the topic of work that I have been thinking about is that there may be underrated benefits of reducing working hours. More workers working fewer hours means more elasticity in the workforce. This especially comes into play in times like the pandemic or other emergencies, but has value at all times due to mitigation of turnover risk. I believe if we decoupled healthcare from employment that a tipping point would be reached to make a significant reduction in the 40 hour workweek a high value proposition for employers. As to Musk's comments, of course he wants slave labor. The American worker has lasted in the face of cheaper competition for a long time, and that won't change anytime soon. My unresearched opinion is that while young American workers want to work less and are less motivated by traditional means (and are probably less resilient than older workers), they are far more intelligent and adaptable than their older counterparts, so they still have superior value to foreign workers.
  18. I was already too old to really enjoy following recruiting but this ridiculous shit of having to re-recruit the entire roster every fucking year is totally ridiculous and unsustainable.
  19. Let’s just assume for a second that the America Rescue Plan (and any other moves Biden’s admin has made) has had an impact on inflation equal to: the pandemic supply disruptions, Trump/congress pandemic response in 2020, OPEC supply management, Ukraine war disruptions, and ALL OTHER FACTORS COMBINED. That would put Biden responsible for…<4% inflation, which no one would be talking about. It’s asinine to think that ARP is a factor equal to the pandemic alone, or oil supply alone, or increases to the money supply prior to 2021. Here’s who to blame for current inflation, in order: COVID Putin China OPEC The Federal Government 2000 to now.
  20. How much did Biden’s admin’s proposals add to the money supply? What % of the inflation from the chart you posted do you think is the direct result of that recent increased money supply? Or are you just a clueless, disingenuous fuck?
  21. “We’ve got to nuke that hurricane!” ”Why, sir?” ”There might be a gyna-man inside of it!”
  22. Why did they put a silhouette of him in a fuckin wheelchair on the poster? Wtf
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