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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by George

  1. Sucks for Shane and his redshirt. Is this game 3 or 4?
  2. And here we go. Let’s see if tonight’s going to be any different. Go d.
  3. Fucking tv timeout with 5 seconds left. Same god damn commercials over and over. Thank god for dvr
  4. Sure looked like they were leaning before snap
  5. George

    Sparty @ Corn

    Tell us how you really feel.
  6. Man. Do you score or burn 40 seconds and kick
  7. Fuck bro bad they couldn’t make em burn a timeout sooner.
  8. Maryland still gonna lose by 2 TDs. Their O hasn’t done shit since the half. Gonna have to keep scoring.
  9. He looks miserable as shit. It’s awesome!
  10. OSU is trying to kill Urban Meyer.
  11. McMurphy was probably sitting on the story since it’s such a stretch but said fuck it after WBZS started coming at him again on Sunday/Monday. Just a big fat Fuck you to that guy and osu
  12. I wonder what the mutual protection/restraining order says in regards to harassment. I wonder if him throwing this shit out there and bringing his wife into it would be considered s violation.
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