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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. I still have nightmares from a thread OTOS that described the bronze bull. I had never heard of it until seeing the thread. Shit. I'm about to have to go to sleep.
  2. I slept with a chick that was on the Sally Jesse Raphael show circa 1994. /csb
  3. Fun necro bump. 6 games into my indoor soccer season before I realize that I'm playing in the same building where Pennywhistle Park used to be. I was going to post a pic before I saw this post. The sign in this pic is far more rusted and less visible today. I didn't notice it until my mom came to watch one of my games and pointed it out.
  4. Sweet. I've only seen three announcements live in my entire life. 1) Ricky Williams announcing his return to Texas for his senior year. 2) Jordan Hicks 3) Baxter Hook 'Em!
  5. @Francisco 2.0 is correct in everything that he typed. I'm a huge coaster freak. The faster, taller, loopier, the better. To this end, I had to keep telling myself that Disney is for the family and not me both times we went. As stated above, I lucked onto GotG in June when we went. One in our group won the "virtual line" lottery. I had actually already gone back to the resort when I got a call to return to Epcot for our spot at 10-ish. I actually almost passed. What kind of ride would possibly impress a coaster enthusiast at Disney? Holy F! It really is one of the most amazing ride experiences I've ever ridden. We got "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" which has not been played at least 1,000 times since June. And, as Francisco said, the song has had new meaning since hearing it on the ride. Additionally, as Francisco said, there is no way to replicate the experience via YouTube. The music is much louder, and the ride truly does feel like you're in a different dimension. Put it this way... I'd pay $100+ (for another ticket) and stand in line for 4 hours if Disney was local.
  6. Got it. My wife picked the spots, so I'm obligated per the choices. The former is just for drinks. Thanks @C-Man.
  7. Wife and I are going to Public School 214 and The Rustic on the 20th for her bday. Anyone have any thoughts on either?
  8. Dammit. I meant to change that after I looked up a couple of the games. Thanks.
  9. I believe that was my first Texas/OU game as well.
  10. Tennessee went back and put up a bunch of fake championships, inside their stadium, based on obscure polls as well. Wife and I went to their spring game in 2016. Even she thought it was bush league.
  11. On a more personal note, I'd have to add TN's '97 title to the mix. They won a game against Syracuse on a b.s. pass interference call at the end of the game. Beat Florida in OT w/ 235 total yards of offense before OT started. They beat Arkansas at home because dumbass Clint Stoerner dropped the ball when trying to run out the clock. IIRC, they got to play FSU's 3rd string backup in the MNC game. They won 2-3 other games on plays late in the 4th quarter. Edit: I lived it as I had just met, what turned out to be, my wife. She was a soph at TN at the time.
  12. Hauser was so good, there were times when I wanted to jump through the screen and beat his ass myself.
  13. I had an on-the-fence answer until I recalled the words "single mom". If there are kids involved, then I'd bite the bullet regardless of the reasons you might have to not help out.
  14. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2022

    To add, Pefok had a really good game above and beyond his goal. He probably should have had 2 assists to go with his goal. He also won just about any ball played forward.
  15. Knoxtnhorn

    USMNT 2022

    Pefok scores in the 31st min! Nice header.
  16. Sweet. I see Orbital mentioned two posts up. I came across this one last night during "insomnia time". It's very rare for me to rate an original song a "10", then a remix of the aforementioned also a "10". I had a near Zen moment about 5 years ago when riding my bike along the Atlantic Coast in Florida. Belfast (Orbital) came across my play list and the meshing of beautiful/exotic scenery + vacation + this song really got me. Anyway, this remix is less ambient and more "driven". (I can't think of a better word.) Do yourself a favor and turn it up before playing. Like most good electronica, you can't get a true sense w/o a good system or headphones.
  17. She offered to trade. It was kind of funny.
  18. This is going to sound like a Nate Bargatz bit but, Wife calls on the way home with the kids. They're stopping at Bahama Breeze (snow cone place). Do I want something? Sure. Pina Colada. 15 minutes later. Me after taking a sip: What the hell is this? Her: Pina colada and pickle juice. Me: What? Her: You asked for pina colada, but I know you also like pickle juice. Me, taking a deep breath:
  19. I didn't know this was Mogwai. I watched a series a few years ago called Les Revenants. Mogwai's soundtrack was absolutely perfect for the creepiness of the show.
  20. Completely agree. Just wondering how much suffering Sark is comfortable with per Ewers against Bama.
  21. I was just speaking to Sark having to balance fan expectations, NIL bigwigs who helped get QE here, player expectations, and, ultimately, what is best for the team. I guess I'm saying there's a lot of extraneous aspects to the decision.
  22. Same here. This seems as logical as anything I can think of per the balancing act of everyone involved.
  23. Csb incoming. I wanted to be a meteorologist growing up. In 9th grade, I wrote a letter to local met Troy Duncan. He responded with a suggestion to go to aggy. I gave up on meteorology on the spot.
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