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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. Completely agree. Just wondering how much suffering Sark is comfortable with per Ewers against Bama.
  2. I was just speaking to Sark having to balance fan expectations, NIL bigwigs who helped get QE here, player expectations, and, ultimately, what is best for the team. I guess I'm saying there's a lot of extraneous aspects to the decision.
  3. Same here. This seems as logical as anything I can think of per the balancing act of everyone involved.
  4. Csb incoming. I wanted to be a meteorologist growing up. In 9th grade, I wrote a letter to local met Troy Duncan. He responded with a suggestion to go to aggy. I gave up on meteorology on the spot.
  5. I helped Nolan's future daughter-in-law pass Oceanography. It was a Tue/Thu class, and she'd always miss Thursday's because she'd be hanging out at Nolan's ranch with her boyfriend (Reed?). She was super hot, so I had no problem taking copious notes during Thursday lectures. /csb
  6. Yep. That was a rough scene. Seeing the hard-ass, main character trying to hold it together and pretend like Larry's story was awesome, was pretty powerful.
  7. LOL This part was weird when I served 4 years ago. It was a pretty big civil trial (made the papers/news) re: a guy that had been scamming Park Place Motors to the tune of missing millions, missing car titles, even a missing person that may have been whacked by the mob. Anyway. One of the pre-selection questions asked about possible prior experience as an accountant. We were asked if we had ever been an accountant, ran an office, handled money for a business, etc... Those that raised their hands were dismissed. I figured they'd look for folks that had some experience with this type of stuff.
  8. Why was the crowd booing "God Save the Queen"?
  9. I'm never going to get used to these bumps, but thanks for posting.
  10. @Buzzrock Thx for this rec. Amazing thus far. I kept thinking the actor that plays Lawrence Hallbreminds me a lot of the Richard Jewell actor. I just realized why. Also main female has a Jami Gertz feel. That's not a bad thing.
  11. Most of the best lines have already been taken - Ann in the attic, bees v beads, etc., but I'm not sure I've ever laughed so hard the first time I saw this scene. Buster's line starting at :16. Every. Time.
  12. "Oh my God. My husband." "You're married to Carl Weathers? Shit."
  13. LOL. I was just thinking of the scenes where the movie badass gets the attention he wants by popping off a gun in the middle of a saloon/store/crowd, etc..
  14. Knoxtnhorn

    Getting old sucks

    After my 2nd trip to the ER this summer (mountain biking/soccer), I realize that getting old is not when you worry that you're too old to do something w/o getting hurt. It's when you begin to hesitate doing something because of how much it will cost in medical bills.
  15. Damn. That looks good.
  16. Yeah. I'm pretty sure UT would no longer be impressed with my 3.1 HS GPA. Thank God for the SAT back in the day.
  17. Thanks y'all. I didn't realize until the single unit arrived. I tried to bridge it with my existing modem to no avail. Then, I tried to move my modem/router to the middle of the house. That didn't work either. I don't have any connections outside of our study. Settled for a wifi extender, which I just hooked up. Working like a charm...
  18. Goosebumps every time the plane fly over the Champs. On a personal note, the Tour ending means school is about to start back up. But, so is football!
  19. Kirkland from Orlando. Tower of Terror in Orlando. Your statement checks out.
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