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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. The buyout would be $0 because the GOR ends after 2024, but the EXIT FEE (2 seasons of our conference payout) would still apply though when the 4 new teams join the exit fee will decrease some as our payout will be decreasing some. To leave early we’d have to pay the exit fee (which could be negotiated down), and get ESPN/FOX and the Big12 to release us from the GOR. To leave after 2024 it’s just the exit fee. ESPN and the Big 12 sound like they want us to move in 2024, but FOX would lose any access to UT/OU so trading OOC games is the only chip we can offer to give them makeup games in the future. ESPN could trade some of their Big 12 tier one inventory to make FOX play ball, but that assumes they’d come to an agreement on value of UT/OU versus the remaining B12. Since historically the vast majority of tier one Big 12 games are for UT/OU, would ESPN have to give up 50% of their 2024 t1 B12 inventory or would FOX demand 100% or more that would stretch into 2025+? As soon as FOX agrees to a value this whole thing will get wrapped up.
  2. No CR so I’ll skip the second one (but at least I understand what it means), but wtf does Jimbo 2023 mean? Is he running for Mayor or something?
  3. I just won a MetaQuest2 at my company’s Christmas party. Everyone still a fan? It comes with BeatSaber and ResidentEvil4. Any other games/apps considered a must have?
  4. First: use https://12ft.io Second: yes different but still same, they’ve been trying to get money even before we switched conferences Third: Fuck’em (join a real system if they want system money)
  5. Yes, not impossible by any means just unlikely. We pulled Calvin Anderson from Rice on the OL and picked up DB Ryan Watts from Ohio State, I think those will just be more rare than offensive skills players which are more plug/play. Look at 5 star BJ Foster, went from starting at Texas to Sam Houston. I think it’s a bigger risk in other positions to transfer out than offensive skill players, that was the only point I was making.
  6. Offensive skill players and kickers will always be in high demand. I think Oline and defense is where it might be more difficult (still not impossible) to find a plug a play athlete due to scheme and fit.
  7. Penny our basset and Copper our beagle both passed in 2020, and we’ve been doing a major remodel that’s about done so we decided it was time for a new dog. The wife found a 3 month old stray being fostered Dallas through ASPCA that we drove up last week to get. No idea on the breed, vets best guess is Lab/Beagle/Pit/Leopard dog mix. The mom approved names were Lady or Roux the kids ‘picked’ Roux (and yep I know there is another poster on here with a dog with that name). She loves to play fetch and is great with the kids. So far she’s been a pretty good girl.
  8. I voted for Watson because it seemed like he at least has some idea on how to actually address key issues for the city while Celia seemed like just talk and less action. Nothing specific about your post, but I find it amusing that people keep saying stuff like this without a real solution. The City and Mayor have virtually no control on I35. Austin can’t really expand anymore around I35 downtown/central corridor so the Katy Freeway sprawl argument (fallacy aside) doesn’t apply, and TXDOT has spent hundreds of billions expanding I35 from Dallas to San Antonio. Austin never had a choice to stop it. The only solution was making 130 a bypass but CTRMA fucked that up years ago, ever since then expanding 35 was a foregone conclusion.
  9. I don’t they they allow women to use the glory holes…tradition and all.
  10. I have one of these. The fan motors that pushes the air through the vents is busted. Electrician didn’t want to fuck with it, so now it’s on my todo list.
  11. Bought mine before the leveling feet came out. Can’t justify getting another just for that reason. Still, the ladder is legit.
  12. So he hit her with his truck and then killed her?
  13. We’re hiring new kids of out college with no experience at $70k/year just for having any type of technical degree. 20 years ago it was $35k/year. Many around here can afford the extra $75k. It’s the teachers, nurses, first responders and the like that we’d need to find solutions for.
  14. Going head to head with the SEC or B1G is dumb as shit, especially going forward. The new Big 12 has a great spot and they should fight tooth and nail to protect it. PAC would do better taking the late spot on Saturday versus Friday night and if the ACC can’t get a spot away for the B1G/SEC they might be interested in Friday. Could increase viewership for everyone.
  15. I doubt this happens (since they’d be giving up over $2 million) but with Clemson in the Orange, Florida State at #13 will go to the Outback so it looks like #21 Notre Dame may fall to the Cheeze-it. So… Alamo Bowl versus Washington or Cheeze-it Bowl versus Notre Dame Declining the Alamo is not as batshit crazy as it sounds on the first pass.
  16. Only the top 4 conference champs would get the bye. Once you remove those the next top 4 would get the home game. Georgia, Michigan, Clemson, and K State would get the byes as the highest ranked conference champions TCU, Ohio St, Alabama, and Utah would get the home games USC, Tenn, Pedo, and Tulane* would be the last 4 in SEC -3 B1G -3 B12 -2 P12 -2 ACC -1 AAC -1* (outside top 12 but gets the automatic bid as the #6 conference champ)
  17. I live close to St Edward’s Park and see injured deer all the time. One that had half his pelt skinned off his side, another with a broken leg with the bone sticking out, and another that I’m pretty sure was hit by a car and broke her pelvis and walks bow legged everywhere. Years go by and they are all still alive and mostly healed up. People just need to leave them alone.
  18. That was how they sold it. Claimed it was easier for West Texas ranchers to transport horses and cattle to the vet schools at Colorado State or New Mexico State than it was for them to get them to aggy. I don’t think I’ve seen anything that restricts them from eventually adding dogs/cats but yes the initial focus was on horses, cows, and other large animals.
  19. lol at most of that, I’m not against it but the false pretense they are selling is dumb. The PUF it’s just for UT-Austin and aggy-CS it supports multiple academic and medical campuses. Complaining about Texas only having 2 public schools in the USNWR top 50 or AAU compare to 9 in California without discussing that those are all under the single UC system and only 2 play FBS football is misleading as hell. If everyone was under 2 or 3 systems instead of 7 the administration overhead would decrease and cooperation would increase. Currently we have wasted time effort and energy in things like…aggy buying a failing law school and bloating their campus with liberal arts majors (and then complaining about it) or Tech fighting tooth and nail with aggy to get a much needed vet school in West Texas, and after they got it aggy announced they too would open one. Aggy opening campuses in San Antonio and Round Rock while UH throws a temper tantrum when Texas wants to start a research center in the state’s largest city. I’m I could find many additional examples but at the end of the day this idiotic system is all setup because people don’t like each other in sports.
  20. Sorry if off topic, but can someone explain to me how Russia lost tons of territory in Eastern Europe but held onto Kalingrad. That seems like a big security risk in the middle of NATO country.
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