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Hagbard Celine

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Everything posted by Hagbard Celine

  1. That same guy allowed a delay of game to be called when Sark was screaming at him for a TO and when the pussy finally showed his face to Sark the announcers spoke the words Sark was speaking: DO YOUR JOB (ref hemhaws in reply) Sark says it again DO YOUR JOB in other words i'm screaming in your ear you recalcitrant coelenterate for a goddamn fucking timeout bitch!
  2. of course he went bonkers he was promised fuckery he coached his lines to hold at will he watched all of the calls, non-calls and spots in his favor for the first 58 minutes 'GET BACK IN THERE!' 'TURN THOSE MACHINES BACK ON!'
  3. when they called the illegal formation on the clones to kill their last drive i was incredulous i couldn't believe it yormark buzzed down "it's a 2 score game and they aren't going to win take evasive action"
  4. there was a false start last night that was flagged for breathing "false start - texas - breathing before the snap"
  5. i watch a lot of college football holding is holding everywhere else except when texas is playing
  6. the real question is will yormark show his face friday night? there's still time to get a banner in the air - sunset is at 7 after kickoff
  7. tceh 08 the laws of physics in this version of the simulation do not permit that body posture without the concept of holding
  8. WHY NOT BOTH? /yormarkfaggot
  9. not negging you, sir, but you are living in a parallel simulation
  10. with 0u winning we need okielite and kstate to both lose to clinch arlington with a win tonight okelite kicks 3 to walk off 23-19 halftime sunflower game kicks an hour before ours
  11. motherfucker and just like that after the safety high school was driving to go up 30-9 but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO okielite pick to the 22, 2 plays, endzone fade 23-16 just like the brethren/thieves
  12. goddamnit stupid fucking cougar high dipshits just like brethren! godfuckingdamnit
  13. or go 45 degrees rather than straight ahead ANYTHING different that what we've been doing
  14. quick reference guide for today's desired results (league records going in to today) @ brethren (2-5) over thieves (5-2) on now espn 17-17 @ half cincy (1-6) over @ mountain aggy (4-3) no linear rape (2-5) @ roach (2-5) have no idea how this might affect the umpteenth tiebreaker no linear @ the high school (2-5) over oSu (5-2) 1500tt deuce ucf (2-5) over @ tceh (4-3) 1600tt fs2 @ toucans (4-3) over purple wizards (5-2) 1800tt fs1
  15. oh yeah, i skipped over egypt, jordan, lebanon and syria
  16. almost everything everyone writes in here is true what is missed by almost everyone is the root cause of the problem: the british and french during and after ww1: the balfour declaration, the skykes-picot letters, and the betrayal of Faisal (see: Lawrence of Arabia) at the treaty of versailles (1919) lines were drawn on maps and regimes were installed over the next 20 years on 3 March 1938, Standard Oil drilled their 7th wildcat well 10 miles south of Dharan, and Aramco was born the Holocaust happens May 1948: Israel declares itself, British Mandate of Palestine ends, Standard Oil buys 40% of Aramco, US is first to recognize Israel 1950: Saudis agree to 50% profit split forever between Standard Oil and Aramco (1973: Standard Oil changes it's name to Exxon, 1999: ExxonMobil merger) RoyalDutch Shell and British Petroleum honorable mention for the next 50 years 1953: Mossadegh nationalizes Iranian petro which fucks the Brits hard and dry; 1st coup to overthrow him is botched; Shah parties in Italy; 2nd coup works, Shah plays everyone against everyone for 25 years, builds the 5th largest military in the world, but we end up holding the bag mix in Cold War domino shit 1958: Hashemite dynasty (Faisal II) in Iraq assassinated in a coup we actually didn't have anything to do with 1962: first US aid to Israel (military loans) ++++ the above is the ingredients ++++ pre-heat with 1967 war, lots of hijackings before and after Munich, stir in Munich reprisals 1971: nixon shock dropping Bretton Woods international Gold Standard for exchange agreed in 1944 1973: March the G-10 and the US dollar are tied to float against each other, Bretton Woods is done 1973: October Yom Kippur war; direct from the wiki: In response to U.S. support of Israel, the Arab members of OPEC, led by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, decided to reduce oil production by 5% per month on 17 October. On 19 October, Nixon authorized a major allocation of arms supplies and $2.2 billion in appropriations for Israel. In response, Saudi Arabia declared an embargo against the United States, later joined by other oil exporters and extended against the Netherlands and other countries, causing the 1973 energy crisis. ++++ the frosting: Since 1973, the US has given Israel $120 billion in assistance ++++ the above is neither for or against israel or for or against the arab world ++++ the above is an indictment of the west and the soviets/russians - we made this mess
  17. Israel could declare Oslo "is", build the corridors from Gaza to the West Bank, pull back to the '67 lines, and literally "create" the Palestinian state, the infrastructure, the economy, and govern it, police it, and enforce peace. It will cost a couple thousand Israeli lives over the course of 10 years and it will end the insanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_passport
  18. Hagbard Celine


    It is true Just happened this morning
  19. Hagbard Celine


    the hot separation worked after seco on the starship you could see an atmospheric event that was likely the SECO FTS but the stack flew
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