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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    Any of you assholes have any lasting luck at getting and keeping blood pressure down?
  2. Rolling Stone will tell you who the best of everything is. In order.
  3. You can get an ocean front home in LA for $4.5M?
  4. Your mistake was telling her what you were going to do.
  5. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    Thanks for the update. That’s useful and helpful info.
  6. They probably make a p90 that will fit in a hb hole.
  7. What does ChatGPT say about Manning portaling if Ewers comes back?
  8. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    How much yoga do you do?
  9. Our deal with the SEC should have stipulated that aggy never gets to play us again.
  10. Yea good dude. I never met him but we had some mutual friends. Terrible tragedy.
  11. My truck will slam on the brakes for you if it thinks it needs to.
  12. I’d say shitty president is relative and has been significantly redefined. /no cr
  13. I could do without navigation just fine. But the 360degree camera in my truck is some helpful shit.
  14. What a miserable existence that guy is in for
  15. Could anything possibly be better than when Jimbo beats aggy as the Vandy coach?
  16. Sometimes you just gotta call out the dumbass
  17. He’s already started playing lefty? Asking because I’d start a lefty on right handed guitar. Life’s easier on a righty.
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