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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. I feel like Prince Charles waiting for all these boomer era people to gtfo. Saw an ad for a movie yesterday with Jennifer Lopez in the role of attractive lady and it’s the same damn thing.
  2. First solo trip to the stores with these fuckers. Topo me strength
  3. I figured I had caught it before finally testing positive the other week. But, while this hasn’t knocked me on my ass, it has fucking lingered. I would never have not tested for this.
  4. I’m way overdue to service my speedy, and while it may just be new baby fatigue making me forget to wind it I think it’s finally getting a little weird. What’s the prevailing wisdom - send it to omega? There’s a local shop that I think is fairly competent, they serviced my seiko pogue and I think did a good job. But the omega worth a fair bit more.
  5. Ok I’m caught up. I’ll join the chorus of not liking the leads. Buck specifically, he just looks too much like either a Tigerbeat centerfold or Pennywise the Clown (2017). Partially his face but honestly it’s his acting too.
  6. playing a dreadnought strung up with 12’s -
  7. Fuck Mike Love, imo my favorite off Pet Sounds is maybe Caroline No. But man, Wouldn’t It Be Nice is an all time great opening track and a fairly perfect song. i was never a teenager in white 1960s middle America, but that album makes me feel like I was
  8. I guess of course he is, but I didn’t realize he was that old. Pretty decent run from where he was 40-50 years ago.
  9. A lot of people say stuff like this, but they mostly don't mean it. I think everyone here understands that you really mean this. I mean, it's a fucking wild manifestation of your own insecurities, but you mean it. It makes you even worse than maga dipshits btw. It's possible for them to simply be stupid.
  10. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/shooting-reported-kansas-city-after-chiefs-super-bowl/story?id=107238682
  11. 2013, maybe 2012. Custom shop “Elite Mystic Rosewood”.
  12. Gibbon has always just been really tough to tune. Tuning the open strings to pitch always sounded wonky with much movement at all, and forget capoing or otherwise moving up the neck without retuning. Which, to me seems like basic intonation problems. i honestly don’t know how you intonate and adjust action on an acoustic, but that was the fix - intonate, action, and relief.
  13. Oh they've just been at a local luthier/tech. I've got a laundry list of guitar problems, and just knocked out a bunch of them finally. The '72 thinline was dropped on stage like 15 years ago and it's been kinda fucked up since then, particularly the jack. He fixed that, and cleaned everything off. And I just finally swapped the ugly black dunlop straplocs that I bought when I was 16 off of it and put some regular fender vintage strap buttons on it. The OOO15M at some point got out of whack, I think possibly with the move from Austin to NC. The neck was a bowed - it was still playable but the action was crazy high once you got even a bit up the neck. Fixed that, set it up, etc The J45 has always had intonation problems. He fixed that and set it up. And the PRS honestly has always been perfect. And so I've never done a thing to it. It just had some nasty oxidization and grossness on the pickups and the frets were really nasty. Green. He cleaned it up.
  14. Got my guitars back. Gratuitous lighting pics -
  15. This would have been… 2002 I think and they were still in Jersey. Joint tryouts for the Cadets and Crossmen. i played that Mozart horn concerto (….#4?) and can still kinda do Tiger of San Pedro.
  16. Well I remember Jimmy was a cavalier, so he knows his way around a mellophone. I was close to getting in the cadets when I was 17 but they offered me alternate or crossmen and I chose summer instead
  17. Trombone players are dorks and dweebs. Nailed it with the horn.
  18. Hints: nerd, important to have a good ear
  19. I honestly didn’t even consider the political aspect of the Swift hate leading up to this Super Bowl. I’ve said it dozens of other times in the site but I’m a fan. The take that she isn’t extremely talented and hardworking is comparable to takes that Brady is not the GOAT. Just silly. She’s a great role model, imo.
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