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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Two of the commentators on NFL channel were so impossible to listen to that I could not bear to keep listening long enough to know their names. Pitiful
  2. Yep, Here's A Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares.
  3. So in addition to declassifying top secret info in his head, donald JAIL trump is also able to brainwash anyone he comes in contact with. Makes sense to me.
  4. Every day I become more convinced that this guy has to be an alien. It can not be possible that a human being could be this stupid without forgetting to breathe.
  5. This crap will go on until someone is murdered, and then the world will be crying "Why did they wait so long to DO SOMETHING?" Throw his ass in jail NOW and let him sit there while his lawyers argue for his release, hopefully until he dies.
  6. Interesting that she got more votes than donald JAIL trump and not much was said, then he loses both ways and tries to overthrow the government to stay in power. For anyone who still thinks we were better off with trump, go fuck yourself.
  7. The person who wrote this line from Men In Black must have seen this current mess coming. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. "
  8. Happy endickment, you piece of shit.
  9. No worries, folks. I see that donald JAIL trump is already in violation of his agreement not to intimidate, endanger, threaten, or bitch about any of the people involved with his prosecution. Surely he will be arrested and locked up before the day is out, right? Right? Right?
  10. Yep, apparently there is such a thing as "a little bit pregnant".
  11. SENILE??? Damn, that's what I thought when I saw him walk like an Egyptian.
  12. "Cocksucker trump" would have been the proper manner of address, no doubt.
  13. Gatorubet, coming up with this for a post I made a year ago is mind boggling. I salute you.
  14. I just hope He is whispering in that ear "Now, go to Hell!"
  15. At our current rate, the last two survivors of the human race will be stalking each other through the ruins.
  16. That's not soap, it's detergent. I know...PICK IT UP!
  17. Taking bets on how long it takes for donald JAIL trump to start calling her "Shitcan".
  18. I agree with Gatorubet, even though he is a Spring Chicken compared to me.
  19. Yes, that's very often the case. However, it's rarely suggested by recovery programs, sponsors, counselors, clinicians, nor rehab employees...to engage in the channeling of your newfound energies and sense of purpose into a fool's errand directed by a cult which has left literally thousands in its wake...penniless, imprisoned, and insane. And why do professionals and loved ones alike advise against joining political or religious movements after going sober? because there's only two outcomes...you get so entrenched in it, you're beyond saving again. Or you see the folly of your ways and guess what takes the edge off that embarrassment and newfound shame? You guessed it! More drugs. Behold the mantra of the Republican Party of today.
  20. Amazing...this guy may actually be as stupid as he appears to be.
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