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Everything posted by JMFP

  1. Not sorry I missed it but is this the reason for all the nowthis jokes lately?
  2. With the kids we have to get two rooms when we stay somewhere so up til recently it's always been cheaper to VRBO, but last trip to we took it was better for us to to just get two hotel rooms. We usually just take the camper (unless its freezing) and stay in it.
  3. I also just heard about some girl eating a list at the ticket window on campus! Those wacky aggys...
  4. That same son of a bitch was at my back door last summer!
  5. Sorry I was late to the party and was just recounting stuff I had read about Lazar. I don't disagree with your sentiment and I'm not arguing any of that except there is proof he was at Los Alamos, past that I don't think he has much else... And I do find it interesting because I'm interested in the whole subject and I do agree his story is pretty thin but it is part of the overall story/ufo culture.
  6. I've been into UFO stuff since I was in Jr. High, 30 some years ago. Working nights and weekends I used to listen a lot to Coast to Coast AM a lot and I imagine that's where I first heard about Lazar. I dunno if he's legit or not, it seems there's just enough to the story to buy in but then there's the missing stuff that turns you off. There are records of him working at Los Alamos and supposedly there are copies of his paystub floating around from when he worked at S-4. But no records of his education past junior college... His story is pretty interesting though if true or not. So here's Lazar living in Las Vegas, running a one hour photo business and is co-owner of brothel. He's friends with a guy named Gene Huff, who among other things, was a house appraiser. Gene Huff was also friends with John Lear (son of Bill Lear who founded Lear Jets). John Lear was deeeep into UFO shit. So John Lear wants to refinance his house and calls his friend Gene Huff for a friendly appraisal. Gene calls Lazar (why Lazar is a question mark) to come and hold the dumb end of the tape measure, for some reason Gene Huff wanted Lazar and Lear to meet. So Huff and Lear start talking about Area 51, this was before the stealth fighter or bomber or whichever had been made public and people were talking about seeing strange things flying there which at the time was the stealth jets. Anyway Huff tells Lear hey my buddy here used to work at Los Alamos and Lear gets the great idea that Lazar should get a job at Area 51 and then Bob replies I know a guy maybe I can get in. So our guy gets hired of course and is shown the goods and finds out when the test flights are and takes his wife and friends out to see. On the way back they get stopped by a deputy and Lazar gets detained and an ass chewing... About this time too Lazar realizes that he's always under surveillance and starts to get paranoid. Then his boss calls him and tells him he's not needed for a while and he starts to freak out after he's not called in to work for a couple weeks. Turns out that his wife had been cheating on him and the g-men knew because they listened to phone calls between his wife and her lover... They weren't calling him into to work because they knew shit at home wasn't stable and he wouldn't be able to work with a clear mind. But Bob didn't know any of that yet and he thought he was about to get suicided so he figured his best bet was to go public and got a hold of George Knapp, who is a highly acclaimed journalist but also into the fringy shit like skinwalkers and aliens and stuff. So Knapp has done a ton of research into Lazar, seen some shit Lazar has (supposedly he has a stash of 115 he stole from S4) and even though he can't prove his education Knapp still rests his reputation on Lazar being legit. And John Lear, who is a cooky fuck even for the UFO community, stands by Lazar too. Who knows...
  7. I think Trump knew about aliens before he became president so reading a report from our military was probably no new revelation. I figure he has Bilderberg buddies that filled him in a long time ago.
  8. Or the only one he can find willing to put up with his shit?
  9. High School kids opting out now: https://sports.yahoo.com/texas-head-coach-steve-sarkisian-163033491.html
  10. We ain't come to play SCHOOL.
  11. Cricket Creek, AR on Tablerock south of Branson, MO... The five year old got to use her own boat for the first time today, she said she "was having the life of her time!"
  12. Spent last weekend with the inlaws, the kids stayed with their grandma on Friday night and their cousins house on Saturday so the wife and I camped nearby at Heyburn Lake near Kellyville, OK in the Corps of Engineers campground there Got there Thursday night and saw Elon's Starlink fly over. Hundreds of 'em all in a line. I tried to take a video but you can't see shit. Spent all day Friday doing family stuff and then left the kids with their Gigi. When wife and I got back to the trailer we found we had new neighbors: abuelo looked to be in his late fifties, his white wife (a larger lady), another woman I assume was her mother (about the same shape but older), I assume their daughter who looked to be early 20's, her papito, and at least 3 kids (might have been another one too?), so counting kids at least 8 people. They didn't have a camper just an older Inifinity SUV and a little white sedan parked in their RV spot. As we pulled up abuelo was setting up one of those 8 person tents right next to my picnic table in my yard. LOL they even had a little dog tied to our table and their crap all around my campsite. I didn't say a word, I just pulled out two lawn chairs and started my campfire which was about 10 feet from their tent, and mixed up a rum and coke. I think they realized then how the sites were laid out because he quickly moved all their shit over to their side, which was a really shitty spot to tent camp. Pretty ironic because on the other side of the campground was some really beautiful tent sites, I have no idea why they would pay double to stay in an RV site. The best part about this family though was the colorful language. Look, I'm not that offended by foul language but holy shit these women were loud and love to say fuck, Grandma even making jokes about the younger couple fucking. Never heard the men talk but the women were so loud I could hear them inside my trailer. I kind of felt bad for them Saturday night though because it rained and I know all their stuff had to be soaked. Especially felt bad for abuelo, he busted his ass setting up Friday and then again on Sunday tearing down and picking up all their trash. Next week we're going to spend 5 days at Cricket Creek on the Arkansas side of Tablerock Lake, south of Branson. Going to take out the kayaks for the first time this year and the 5 year old just got her own so she is really excited to have her own boat for the first time.
  13. I bought this one a couple months ago (when it was on sale) https://wenproducts.com/collections/inverter-generators/products/wen-56380i-super-quiet-3800-watt-portable-inverter-generator-with-fuel-shut-off On my trailer it will run one A/C (or the fireplace heater), the water heater, and all the lights and frige at one time. Very quiet, inside the trailer I can barely hear it running. I've used the Honda 2000's and I can't tell that this one is any louder. Plus the electric starter is nice.
  14. I used to work with a guy that said he had Perroni's... He called his dick the "Lightnin' Bolt"
  15. Everyone camps different and has a different "perfect" setup, that's why there are so many different types/models. We traded in our TT last fall for a fifth wheel. I've got three girls and we just needed more room. Having the separate tow vehicle is big to us for the way we camp, we like to use our trailer as much as possible instead of hotel rooms when we travel for the kids' dance and whatnot plus having the pickup there to haul the honeypot to the dump station, or kayaks to the lake, or just to go out to eat is a necessity for us. In (hopefully) ten years or so we will be down to one kid at home and won't need the fifth wheel anymore. I'm dreaming of a super C toy hauler when that time comes.
  16. They at least had the sense to turn it down....
  17. I really thought K-Swiss was going to take off after they got a new MFCEO...
  18. You might also consider a park model since you don't plan on moving it much.
  19. Packing up this morning to leave Twin Fountains RV Park in OKC. We spent the weekend here for my kids' dance competition yesterday. Nice place to stay if you're passing through OKC. They're close to the zoo/omniplex/racetrack and will give you a free ride in their 'limo.'
  20. Oh, I wasn't familiar with Bolivar (I was thinking lakefront). I don't have much to add except maybe just don't be afraid of a little reno, these things aren't hard to work on. I would be scared of water damage though.
  21. Seems to me surly has been more interested in Patrick Swayze...
  22. Why a travel trailer if you're just going to leave it there? Why not something more permanent like a used mobile home? You'd have more room inside and could still have it hauled off later if you wanted. Plus its still a sellers market right now on rv's...
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