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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Yeah. No one would give a shit if it was the other way around.
  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this what some states did last year? Which lead to widespread criticism and threats from the NCAA? They just didn’t change the name “Mens” to “Open.”
  3. In this case, who exactly would be doing that? Thomas. That's probably it. I don't know what motivation a female or male swimmer would have to compete in anything other than their division.
  4. The we should eliminate separation between men's and women's athletics and 99.99% of women will just have to deal with the fact they didn't win the "genetic lottery."
  5. This is what I don’t understand. Why is coke ever cut with fentanyl? Just to surprise kill people? I understand baking soda or laxatives because you “make” more coke to sell. Seems fentanyl would kill off or scare away your customers.
  6. Second hand story, from about 10 years ago so TFWIW but person swears it's true and I like it. Jerry and a group were hanging out in the bar at Al Biernet's one night. Jerry starts chatting up a lady and takes her out to his limo. Someone in group noticed and knew that she was actually a he. They tell Stephen who rushes out, stops the limo from pulling out, an argument ensues with Jerry throwing he/she out of limo. Stephen comes back inside and rejoins the group. Then Jerry comes back in, finds Stephen and gives him a big bear hug and says "boy...you just just saved me from gettin' cornholed."
  7. First national TV appearance. Stipe just hides during the interview part. So. Central Rain doesn't even have a name yet.
  8. Should check WTI when Tokyo Drift, Fast & Furious, Fast 5 and Fast and Furious 6 came out.
  9. Well, sexual assault is the case that they gave him.
  10. At least its non throwing. If it was his right, his career might be over. At least as a 3B.
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