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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. Get ready for new Texags Gold posts from me. I have collected some beautiful ones.
  2. I felt sorry for the other team. It must have been sad for the families to sit there and see the tremendous imbalance in resources. Just the comparison size of the coaching staffs made it seem so unfair. Regardless, I don't see us getting past the quarterfinals.
  3. Just left the Westlake game. Had a sideline pass, which was fun. However, the game wasn't fun cause the opponent was so outclassed. It doesn't help each team when the disparity is so great. Maybe Texas high school football should form what they tried to form for European soccer; a super league of the biggest and wealthiest clubs. You could group the best South and Central Texas teams, greater Houston, etc. Each week could be a playoff of sorts.
  4. The most racism I ever witnessed in the work world was in Europe.
  5. Guess Shaka Smart never coached our basketball team. And apparently, Edrick Floréal hasn't coached our track and field team since 2018. Glad we got that straightened out. Say hi to Loren Boebert for us!
  6. What are you saying? That's completely inaccurate. I don't know why you would think that, cause it's not me. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard! Who told you that? Was it my wife? It's not true, so please pull this down ASAP. Again, not me.
  7. Still one of my favorite losses and press conferences ever.
  8. Fair point and well said, haha. Look, I hated end-times Mack as much as everyone else, but I saw more personality and connecting with his players in that five-second clip than I have seen from Sark in three years.
  9. Lot of points made here. I stated that Texas and Bama could potentially consider him. I'm not sure he's the best match here. There are so many issues at Texas that make it really hard to win. Your statements below in bold and my responses. "I'm not sold on Sarkisian at Texas, but he's not on the hot seat and won't be after this season unless he's worse than 9-4." I never said he was on the hot seat. I WISH he was on the hot seat, because like you have previously stated, I think he is a mid-level solution at best who isn't in the right job for him. (SEE REFERENCE A) He's just the latest continuation of the profound lameness that has brought me to the point where I am no longer get invested emotionally about the program. Texas does provide me with lots of fun content, though, with stripper monkeys, moronic coaches, etc. REFERENCE A: Great win and all, but talking about the wholly made-up notion that Texas and Bama wouldn't even consider poor Deion is bullshit. @ztejas stated this very notion, so I responded to it. This is the thread to discuss Deion, and it's a interesting point that garnered lots of interesting responses. Not sure why you care what we post, but okay. OF COURSE his head coaching data set is incomplete. I am more impressed with how he merchandises his personal brand to create attention (he is being talked about on every media show right now) and recruit good players. In less than a year, he has made Colorado the cool place to play in a way I didn't think was possible. I like the coaches you referenced, though I have my doubts anyone can win here in this current environment.
  10. I would take his media circus any day of the week over the unimaginative, uninspiring, mediocre, boring, middle-manager types we have been subjected to (and currently have) since Mac left. Hell, I saw Mac dancing on TV after his big win this week and thought that was pretty cool.
  11. I've already written this here often, but I see Deion as an inspirational figure. He is also viewed this way by a large segment of the population and by the recruits. He's exceptional at self-promotion, and knows how to use it to his advantage better than any coach I've ever seen. (The documentary-styled videos his son made for the Colorado game are the best I've ever seen.) He's always going to be polarizing for some people, (other HBCU coaches viewed him as a threat) but he has now personally transformed two programs both in performance and more importantly, financially. Aside from his big win, he has transformed CU in a way never seen before. Did you know CU swag is selling over 700% more than from before he came to the school? Texas, Alabama and a host of other schools would be very happy to have him.
  12. Why wouldn't Texas or Alabama hire Coach Prime? Does he not meet the standards? Alabama: Mike Price - fired after a golf tournament fundraiser where he brought strippers to his hotel room and the gals ran up a big food bill after he checked out (NTTAWWT) Texas: Charlie Strong - rumored affair w booster's wife, dumbest man ever to coach at Texas (and that's saying a lot) Tom Herman - attended strips clubs w Zach Smith, flipped off UT cameras, didn't stay for Eyes of Texas, etc, etc, etc Perhaps a case could be made that the schools would feel Deion can't be controlled enough by the boosters & administrators, but either fanbase would love to have him after Saban leaves and Sark potentially fails.
  13. I see. I don't think i stated my point well. I was comparing how the teams looked in their opening games last weekend. Colorado was far more crisp on offense and the players looked much faster and more talented against a much better opponent on the road. Sark's offense looked moribund for large swaths of the game, with the Rice D-line making the Texas O-line look pathetic at moments. Yes, Rice. This is year three for Sark and I don't see it. When I compare the performance, the brilliant branding, the ability to inspire, the recruiting potential, there is no comparison between the coaches. I'm not saying Deion is the answer at Texas, but I am saying I don't believe Sark is the answer at Texas.
  14. OU game result was epic and historic, but OU didn't have a serviceable QB for the game. They essentially ended up running the Single Wing offense w a tight end, running backs and a WR taking direct snaps.
  15. Well, yes it is. Dude and his assistants get paid a fortune, has the most resources and access to the richest recruiting pool in the nation. Sark's had 3 years to get his act together and his offensive line made the Rice D-line look unblockable. Rice.
  16. Being consistent is one thing. Losing to Texas Tech last year is a whole other thing.
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