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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. I'd be shocked if they wind up at the Freak, unless both of them are just completely bitter with Cumulus management. It's not like they are going to double their salaries, so they are going to a struggling station who hangs their hat on a guy that will retire in a year or two, and then iHeart fires everyone and switches to another format.
  2. Seems like a when keeping it real goes wrong move by Jake with 2 young kids.
  3. I think the bottom freezer is a better functional layout for most families. More easily accessible fridge space is better than a side by side split. I have no idea if other brands have mastered the fridge side ice maker lasting beyond a handful of years though.
  4. We are fixing to move, and I'm retiring my Samsung POS to the garage. Now we know, but PSA for any young ones out there Samsung/LG appliances look slick but are shit. Buy their TVs
  5. Stick to fast and furious movies. Last I checked they haven't trans woked those up yet.
  6. I only did BOOBS. My mind is blown that I and E were available.
  7. I'll see it. My daughter is Roald Dahl fan, although neither of other 2 movies really move the needle much for her. Personally I'm in the same boat, always got bored being forced to watch the original growing up in the 90s and the Burton version was even more easily dismissed. As an adult I've grown to appreciate a lot more of Wilder's Wonka than I could as a kid though.
  8. I just figured she was a raging alcoholic.
  9. Jesus. How long is that, and is that a pizza oven on the end or a cabinet chamber? Is the cook chamber steel encompassed by the stone, or is the steel just the top lid and the cook chamber is stone? That's probably going to take a lot of trial and error fire management given it's custom nature.
  10. Appropriate picture to show what baked beans taste like.
  11. I thought shit content was the business of hollywood and streaming. You mean to tell me that someone is striving for good content out there?
  12. Insert 15 year old picture of obscure actor Insert current picture of obscure actor
  13. Yeah, I don't know anyone that splits the tab on a shared account, it's all just people mooching off their parents or friends.
  14. pornhub also considers the parent/child a loose relationship.
  15. It's the short shelf life assigned. Yes the top running backs in the game are worth that money when they are producing, but by maximizing their impact on the offense they are run into the ground. You expect multiple contracts out of the other positions.
  16. Got to agree with him there. From the premiere position it once was, to it's current status where teams and fans openly strategize drafting a guy destroying him with overuse and leaving him in the trash heap in a span of 3-5 years.
  17. This is exactly what I told that girl scout wanting me to buy some cookies. Haven't earned your reading merit badge yet I see you dumb bitch.
  18. I guess this could be a dumb question, but do legitimate local roofing companies not send out people to neighborhoods to check for damage after storms? Seems like that would be a logical and fruitful practice. Or are there just too many bad apples that they don't want to be associated with it?
  19. The first rule of the 6/6/6 club, is you don't talk about the 6/6/6 club.
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