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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. I wish it was just algebra. They've redone how to do basic arithmetic and it makes absolutely no sense.
  2. It really looks like the Mavs came out of the time out and got mixed up on which basket was theirs. They had no one going over to inbound so I don't buy they thought it was their ball.
  3. Billingsley interviewing for a trainer position with those teams?
  4. NFL doesn't typically pay assistants all that much. Usually their college counterparts earn more. I wonder what the Bills are offering.
  5. It's crazy that the woman started recording conversations and tried to turn them over to the FBI in 07, but they just had record for another 7 years before anything happened. Probably could have wrapped the whole thing up pretty quickly with an actual investigation, it's not like he was some criminal mastermind.
  6. Just wait until he hits puberty.
  7. A steering wheel like that makes no sense where you need hand over hand turning. Maybe on a track where you never take your hand off the wheel, but dumb for street driving. Just have to be different even if it makes for less safe driving.
  8. PC load letter. What the fuck does that mean.
  9. Maybe if she learned Spanish in between violin and math tutoring.
  10. One thing about the Ray Lewis case that I don't believe is going to play out here, is that the murder trial ended in an acquittal. I also didn't follow closely, but wasn't sure if that was a big factor in his redemption.
  11. It's probably relative in context of it's ratings. This is a 4 page thread on it and the last two pages are just regarding the plug finally being pulled. It obviously didn't do strong ratings.
  12. Pit and pit mixes also make up a ton of shelter dogs as well, and adopting a dog is a pretty strong message being streamed at anyone looking to become a dog owner.
  13. I'm not clicking on that link, but are we talking sex change, and one of God's true miracles has been destroyed?
  14. More so just bashing the lightning pricing then trying to defend tesla. The lightning is not a realistic option for most of the population. It runs 20-30k more than their ICE F150 counterpart. I just meant I'd buy the first practical option whether it's an ugly ass cybertruk or any other make.
  15. I don't know when the cyber truck will ever come to fruition, or what it will cost, but I would buy it or pretty much anything over a lightning if it's affordable. Because right now an XLT trim level lightning with extended range is an 80k truck, and XLT is not a premium trim.
  16. Or just watch spaceballs and spare yourself a lot of wasted time.
  17. I know why they justify it, but I have never tuned in or out based on the announcers. I don't think I'm in the minority either.
  18. I briefly lived in Carrollton in 08. When this story broke I was always picturing the standard suburb tract home, but when I saw the actual house I realized I never ventured over to that part of town.
  19. I don't understand the universe where their job is worth 10 mil a year much less 37.5, but I am living in it.
  20. It's crazy to check his IMDB page to see how many shit movies he had going when he first announced retiring. I can't imagine he needed money bad enough to make this crap.
  21. Dumb fucking bitch. Three people doesn't qualify as an orgy you stupid cunt. -Porterhouse probably
  22. You don't want to get a mechanics set. That's going to contain so many bits socket sizes that will never be used around the house, and you'd really need to store in a large tool box to be able to access anything easily. Just get a basic general tool set of any name brand like the one above. Throw in a few power tools like a cordless driver maybe a reciprocating saw.
  23. I doubt the idea is to build suspense. Movies can exist based on real events. The movie obviously will need to add a little bit more entertainment than a Wikipedia page. One of the more interesting facets of Winning Time on HBO was Phil Knight courting Magic for a shoe deal. He couldn't offer him any money because they had none, but offered him a portion of the company which would have proven to be worth ridiculous amount today.
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