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Gene Parmesan

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Everything posted by Gene Parmesan

  1. I disagree. Early netflix streaming was absolutely worth it. They had a shit ton of quality content because they could get the rights cheap since they were the only platform for streaming. That absolutely was game changing at the time. Cord cutting started because of Netflix. Not saying they were visionaries, but they were absolutely at the forefront of this market.
  2. How brazen was his attempt to recycle the paper. Did he just change the date?
  3. On I35 in Lewisville, I pulled up on some firemen trying to pry something out of a guardrail. As I approached I saw it was a motorcycle and then a little further a body covered up on the ground. That scene is seared in my mind. I'll never get on one of those things.
  4. I think it may have been jumping horses thinking back on it.
  5. There was a netflix doc series a while ago about corruption in sports. One of the episodes dealt with dressage horses. The owners would end up in a money pinch and have their horses killed in order to collect insurance payouts.
  6. Ages 6-adulthood would absolutely suck. You wouldn't just get to relive your childhood but with investing in stock. You aren't going to have any friends because everyone in your peer group are complete morons. Even if you could play dumb enough to fit in, you would have no joy in anything you did. The only positives would be a lot more money and getting to spend more time with lost family members. Not to mention how living years like that would do to your mental health when you reach adulthood.
  7. We got a mid range model several years back. It wasn't a very good vacuum, so it can't really be your sole vacuum. Our furniture was also not ideal for it. Our couch set too low for it to go under, but it was also too high for it to just bump it and turn so it would often end up wedged under. It also couldn't really do well around the kitchen table and chairs. Maybe the technology has got a lot better, but unless you have an ideal furniture setup it's going to just be mediocre.
  8. If Rage is in the good column, by process of elimination, the rest of us in this thread must be the slackers.
  9. Definitely dumbass. An Apple breast implant would easily cost 10x that posted price.
  10. I just finished a bag of flamin hots in protest of this liar.
  11. Not impressed unless you ride out with this
  12. I had to google it. I've seen that style (maybe even that brand) on some youtube cooking channels. I would guess it's better quality than a blackstone, but yeah no way that small of griddle is worth thousands of dollars. It would be 100% a flex purchase, which makes sense why I see it on youtube cooking channels.
  13. I don't think so, but I may be giving them too much credit. Pretty sure the Hill posts are just playing off their fan fiction that he was having buyers remorse a few months back, and Perkins would have to sit a year if he transferred to another SEC school.
  14. A few months back, Bob started a segment talking about his kid in select soccer, and Dave said is this the kid that you needed to see dribble before you signed the adoption papers.
  15. Not knowing what their names are, I don't think going by a middle or nickname is unreasonable. If it's a specific kid, maybe request that they change classes?
  16. Why? We aren't that far removed from there being 50+ scrubs on our roster.
  17. I thought this fad went away a long time ago? I'd go no TV before I stuck it by the ceiling.
  18. No I haven't finished. Have a few left.
  19. Or Detective Crashmore aka Santa. I am a little dubious on how "real" the guy is. Either he is the perfect choice, or there is a ton of editing out the actors steering the conversations. In episode 1, the real guy mentions a Family Guy episode where Peter declared that he's a racist to get out of jury duty. Then the nerdy guy tries to do that. It was hilarious, but there is no chance that just happened organically.
  20. They should cut him. He needs to be taught a lesson about who to marry.
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