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Everything posted by TxTower

  1. Just another Butthurt Beantown Hack. Beltre spent one season (2010) with the Red Sox before signing with the Rangers where he finished his career as one of the best third basemen of all time.
  2. Suggest change title to - “FSU can STFU now”
  3. FSU disappointed? Can you imagine how disappointed Michigan is?
  4. Good news everyone - Free Shoes U can shut the fuck up now.
  5. Arnold era got off to a grand start. Let’s hope they let him continue to suck.
  6. Going to try. Will report back.
  7. Dear aggy, All your base are belong to us.
  8. Need 2,000 RR points before YE to qualify for Companion Pass. RR credit card already posted points for December. What are my points earning options? Flight, hotel stay, rental car all before YE seem to the only options.
  9. For the love of God - build some more bathrooms!
  10. Let me help you. FSU did go undefeated and win a P5 conference. Alabama lost one game (to the winner of a P5 conference) and still won a P5 conference with a win over team who held #1 for the entire season. Unfortunately for Free Shoes U they lost their starting QB and exhibited play evidencing that they were clearly no longer one of the four best teams in the country. End of story. I mean you can add that FSU had a much easier SOS than any of the other P5 conference champs and that they would get mudholed in any playoff game but it’s all about the four best teams. Even though they squeaked out some wins against inferior competition to remain undefeated, FSU proved they weren’t top 4. So you know what? Go beat Georgia and get some respect or …, STFU.
  11. Nice to know Coach Sark has to spend some nights on the couch in his house too.
  12. You’ll pardon me for not reading all 30 pages of this thing. I had responses to my post that disagreed with my position. I posted my prediction and thankfully was correct. I certainly wouldn’t have thought I was the only one to think of that ranking but as it took over 30 pages of discussion in two days, it was far from clear. But thanks anyway. You can fuck off now.
  13. No one wants to see FSU get hammered in the playoff. Too bad for FSU but they were in the worst conference and literally limped in to their last two wins.
  14. That’s fine for us but Bama should be in over FSU who will be a dogshit double digit dog to anyone they face.
  15. My prediction - 1. Michigan 2. Washington 3. Texas 4. Alabama Those are the best four teams period.
  16. Even the Hogs aren’t that stupid.
  17. Oh boy - Louisville can afford to give up the three and put the ball in the hands of Jake Plumber! Jeebus!
  18. Nope 1. Michigan 2. Washington 3. Texas 4. Alabama
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