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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. He must not have signed up for this. He must of thought that this is someone's bullshit political agenda.
  2. This looks so good in 4K. I hope one of the networks or streaming services does something similar with They Will Not Grow Old.
  3. Probably what I will do.
  4. Derp, concentration camps are only a part of the Holocaust and mentioning them in any other context demeans the victims of the Holocaust derp derp derp. God, being a historian in today's climate is excruciating. Non-book readers having the platform they have is nauseating.
  5. We haven even hit free agency yet. The instant reactions to everything is hilarious.
  6. Is the Switch going to come down in price? I'm really thinking of getting one cause I'm kind of sick of XBox games not named GTA 6 and want to play Zelda, Mario Kart and Odyssey.
  7. Finally got Radiohead's The Bends on vinyl and am listening to it as well as Nirvana Live at the Paramount. Both terrific albums.
  8. I'm a Longhorn also so I guess we fucked. Anyway, the dude's never won a major.
  9. Rock Chalk bitches. And just stellar golf today for a US Open.
  10. Yea somebody obviously hasn't had kids or hasn't been around kids. And why go ballistic on a 4 year old. So ridiculously stupid.
  11. Aren't cops trained at deescalation? It's a disgrace how many of them are just ultra gung ho super cop when it comes to pulling over our citizens of color. Our entire policing and prison institutions need to be overhauled and remade because this obviously isn't working.
  12. I love Austin but after 7 years here I feel like it's time to move somewhere else. I was in grad school for six of those years and now am ready for a change. I grew up in KC area and would absolutely never move back there for various reasons and never really loved it. I actually have enjoyed any visit I've had to Dallas but I don't think I'd want to live there. Any friends I've had who have moved to Houston from Austin seem to really like it. I also never hear anyone talking shit about the other cities. They complain of entire communities from California moving here, the traffic, the fact that no minorities live in the city or that housing has skyrocketed. We're probably moving to Chicago after year 8 comes to an end since the wife lived there before and we both love the city, and it'll be a step up for both of our careers.
  13. Now it's time for my Chiefs to win it's first in 50 years. I can dream.
  14. They needed KD to be out and Klay to go down to have a chance to win it. With KD it's a total mismatch and the Ws win in 5 or 6.
  15. When he wins his third NBA FInals MVP with a different team next year what will be the reaction?
  16. As long as Peter Coyote is narrating it I'm totally in.
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