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Everything posted by usmc0331horn

  1. usmc0331horn


    Is Spank Thru a nonalbum song cause I'm a fan?
  2. usmc0331horn


    Has that come out on Vinyl yet? Ive been wanting to add that one.
  3. usmc0331horn


    Teen Spirit will alway be one of my favorite songs ever.
  4. usmc0331horn


    In Utero is just a badass album that always sounds fresh. I also sort of agree with Nevermind. I try to listen to it now and find myself wanting to listen to Unplugged or Live at Reading instead.
  5. Our Lyft driver Saturday night had a freaking Stephon Marbury jersey on. I was smitten.
  6. So definitely probably missing all of next year all with the intense pressure of needing to play in game 5. God that fucking sucks. 2 years of his career crushed by injuries.
  7. Us as sports fans just suck. KD and Kawhi are damned if they do damned if they don't.
  8. So do we know yet what his diagnosis is?
  9. It'd have to be like a transfer comes into UT like Cam Newton or somebody, wins the Heisman, loses their bowl game, bolts and then is the best player in the NFL. UT fans would worship the ground he walked on. But not KD for going to a way better situation where he can have fun playing college basketball and win championships so he doesn't have to get shit for not having in rings after he retires.
  10. Also if they get both AD and Kawhi and add some other secondary pieces they’d be an instant threat in the East
  11. I don’t think he’s a bitch at all.
  12. KD wanted to play and they cleared him. What happened sucks. As Texas fans we should still pile on him though cause he’s obviously the worst dude ever.
  13. And y’all would absolutely fucking worship him if he were a football player no matter the flaws.
  14. I always liked TJ Ford. But KD was better and also will retire from the nba as a top 10 player ever more than likely. And who cares what KD did he's a freaking Longhorn ya jabroni. It's not like he beats up and/or rapes women or something. Or does the unthinkable like kneeling during the anthem. Hell, if I had a choice I'd want to play for Steve Kerr and have Steph as my pg but that's just me.
  15. Lucky for you I graduated from both schools and Durant and Embiid are my favorite NBA players.
  16. Kevin Durant redemption story confirmed. Cmon we all want to see it.
  17. OKC is also a sham franchise that should be satisfied even having a Durant for the time they did.
  18. Wilt only won two titles and constantly lost to Russell therefore I hate him and talk shit about him daily.
  19. I hate people who supposedly root for a school or went there yet absolutely dislike their best player ever who has done nothing really wrong other than leaving a toxic relationship for a better one.
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