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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. Fuck that. That would be the easy way out. I want them to come out and publicly admit that they were scared shitless and frozen behind cover because of the shooter's "battle rifle" as they called it. They knew that every gunshot that they heard was another kid dying, and they did nothing. If they want a chance to represent anything meaningful, take a stand about how ridiculous it is as a society to sell guns that terrify police to any 18 year old who can fog a mirror. Then I want to watch how quickly the police union and politicians turn on them for stating the obvious.
  2. The fucking elementary kids were better trained than the police with guns.
  3. Jesus fuck. This would have wrecked me before I had kids. But, now that I have a daughter, all I feel is rage. How anyone reading this doesn't immediately conclude that we HAVE to do something major to stop this is beyond me. I don't care whether you think it will work or not, let's fucking try it. Try something. How is this acceptable in America? Otherwise, just admit that you don't care unless it's your kids and keep hiding behind "well, I'm not a one issue voter" as if some combination of policies (i.e. the ones that you think will make you the most money) is more important that this. Cowards.
  4. Yeah, I tried to think of another word than "predator" to describe someone who will fuck anything that moves, even in the workplace where he holds a position of power and influence. But then I got lazy and gave up. "Deviant" maybe?
  5. I don't think anyone if trying to claim that the ACC is anything other than the 5th best of the Power 5 conferences. Saying that they have a winning record against the SEC isn't an attempt to try to claim superiority...rather, just pointing out that, outside the top 1 or 2 teams, most P5 conferences are similar combinations of crappy to mediocre teams. And FSU at least attempted to schedule well. No, they don't get full credit for what LSU, Florida, and Clemson usually are, but they do get some. I've seen people throw around "FSU isn't in for the same reason that Liberty isn't in" which is laughably dishonest.
  6. I assume we're talking teams that ended the season in the Top 10? LSU was #5 when they played them.
  7. I think everyone is in agreement that the current 4 best teams are in, and, without Travis, FSU might not beat anyone in the Top 10. As a fan with no dog in the hunt, I'm stoked that we should be getting the best games possible playoff games. The committee just likes to oscillate between "best" and "most deserving" pretty loosely depending on which team they're trying to get in. An undefeated SEC East (often just as bad as the ACC) team would literally have to be playing towel boys in the backfield for the committee to even consider leaving them out. FSU was undefeated, the ACC had a winning record against the SEC, and FSU had a better OoC win (LSU) than their entire conference (Louisville). But, to your point, everyone outside of Florida is going to snap out of it before the end of the week because no one cares enough about them. The outrage of leaving the SEC out would have lasted for months.
  8. Robotically paying Looch money to knowingly lie to them and feed their delusions also explains their voting patterns. /a little CR
  9. What the fuck does Tommy Tubberville know about college football?
  10. Okay, I no longer feel sorry for FSU. Fuck 'em.
  11. "Sir, I think you mean to say that Florida State is the first undefeated Power 5 conference champion to miss the playoff." "No, no I'm told they've the first Power 5 team ever to be left out. Back when America was great, all five of these great, patriotic Power 5 teams were guaranteed to be invited. Just terrible to see how far we've fallen in Joe Biden's America."
  12. One is 15 yards, the other would have been a 40 yard penalty that put KC on the 3.
  13. They beat the team that represents the SEC's best OoC win all season with a 3rd string true freshman quarterback and, despite the low score, it never felt in doubt. I totally get that they HAD to win more convincingly to keep the SEC out of the playoff, but anybody realistically expecting that was being unfair. Not many teams have Arch Manning chilling in reserves.
  14. I may be an asshole, but people wrongly assuming that a black quarterback can scramble will never not be funny to me. The lead-up to Geno Smith's draft was my Super Bowl.
  15. This doesn't make any sense. I get that style points count in a 4 team playoff, but the only teams that stayed within one score of them were Boston College, Clemson, and Miami. Every team in the top 4 has just as many close wins, and two have losses. Correction: Michigan only played two one-score games, but one of them was to Maryland.
  16. The realization that your new favorite coach may be a predator AND he coaches the Rockets. Gross.
  17. Can someone explain to me like I'm 5 why Logan Sargeant has a seat? If ever anyone need some more time in F2... Does he come from money that I'm not aware of?
  18. To be fair, having no SEC teams in would have been a month long controversy/talking head show gold mine, only to reignite when Michigan or Washington beat FSU handily. A lot of pissed off people with a lot of money. Leaving them out, people will feel bad for FSU for week, move on, then Georgia will beat them by 20, and everyone will shrug and say, "Guess they got it right." Still fucked up and the wrong decision IMO, but probably the safer of the two from the committee's perspective.
  19. Oh for sure, once the decision became Bama or no SEC representative, FSU was turbo fucked. If the decision was FSU v. UT given how their games played out, it would have been a lot closer. But you're probably right: four undefeated conference champions in, Texas as first out is the easy decision had Georgia won.
  20. Over Texas? I doubt it, but probably more likely than over Bama.
  21. I'm sure you'll be able to point me to where I said that Texas shouldn't be in. Surely.
  22. Oh, I totally get it, it just sucks for them. They did everything that they possibly could (except not having better backup quarterbacks, I guess?) and are more deserving.
  23. Two teams fighting for one spot gives you better probability than 3 teams fighting for 2...for reasons that I can't come up with right now!
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