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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. Ump has no consistency on the outside pitch to RH.
  2. We’re into their pen now. The Stros got this.
  3. Agree - get one more from Javier and go to the pen.
  4. They shouldn’t own individual stocks. It’s really crazy this is allowed.
  5. Since he is so tiny, he has been trying to look older than his age for many years. He just didn’t stop that process once he turned 40.
  6. This group of traitors are full of morons and incompetents. There was only one way to effectively govern this House term. McCarthy could have cut the MAGA morons off at the knees by cutting a deal with the moderate Ds in some sort of power sharing arrangement. Within the R caucus, there is a group who will not vote for anything reasonable and with split government, this group should have zero influence. Now they are trying to get one of these fools elected speaker.
  7. It’s amazing to me that Dusty has admitted that Maldonado can’t take any meaningful at-bats by pinch-hitting Diaz twice. However, this is the god damn playoffs and you should expect close games which means every at-bat is crucial. We can’t afford automatic outs. Start the kid.
  8. Get 3 outs here and a bloop and blast wins it.
  9. Yordan says - Fuck your batters eye.
  10. Let’s get it done! We need Verlander to start yelling in the dugout!
  11. Good start for JV. We need to get to their pen to not waste this.
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