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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. Upthread some praised Dame as someone who wasn’t demanding trades and forming super teams, trying to win with his original team in Portland. No way are they going to win and pay his 36 yo self $63+M.
  2. He isn’t committed to winning shit except the “Antonio Brown: Look at my Bank of America account!” award.
  3. She broke the law, and unless her punishment is out of line with similar offenders in Russia, the only injustice would be if POTUS or the State Department treated her situation differently than any other American jailed in Russia. People’s (including me) disagreement with marijuana laws and enforcement is immaterial, especially foreign laws. I hope they don’t give up a valuable prisoner for her release. If the WNBA wants to send Putin a bribe, they can knock themselves out.
  4. FDA needs to waive a lot of the testing requirements for vaccine updates customized to variants, because the regulatory time requirements are longer until we are on to the next variant. I posted a few days ago that we got covid omicron for the second time (mid February and last week) and it wasn’t bad, but I spoke too soon. My wife and I both got knocked on our ass for two days, and this was after we had mild symptoms, tested positive at home, then a few days later tested negative on PCR, then we got hit with terrible symptoms and tested positive again at home. I was always cautious about vaccinating my toddlers, but there is no way in fuck I’m doing it now if the vaccines are based on Covid alpha strain and actually having Covid Omicron four months ago only gives you limited immunity. There’s no benefit. FDA, be practical because 9 month approval process when we get a new variant every couple months is stupid as fuck.
  5. Maybe they will do a package of KD + Simmons to a team for one of those rookie max players? “If you want KD, you gotta take Benny too!” Perhaps they should approach with the Lakers with a KD+Kyrie+Simmons for Lebron+AD+Westbrook swap? Both teams have an equally wrecked draft pick future.
  6. Odds that Homelander kills Soldier Boy in the last minutes of the season?
  7. Seems like an odd forum for this thread. Hopefully he didn’t get AIDS peed into his butt. Nonetheless, T&P to you, MaC!
  8. He was only worth a 5th because the rest of the NFL had Cleveland over a barrel. Mayfield’s $18M was fully guaranteed. Cleveland still pays $10.5, Carolina pays $4.5, Mayfields agrees to eat $3M to facilitate trade. Carolina will also be paying the full $18.5M fifth year to Sam Darnold, LOL.
  9. Shit from China is always cheap.
  10. “Are they better for it?” and “was it worth the risk to take a shot?” are two different questions. In hindsight, it failed. Are they actually better today than if they’d taken another path? Who knows? They had Jarrett Allen, LaVert, Dinwiddie, all their draft picks, and enough cap room to sign two max players. Today they have Ben Simmons on max, Joe Harris at 2yr/$40M, lost their next six first rounders altogether or after pick swaps, and whatever they get after unloading KD and Irving. They can’t take another “rookie max” guy so their trade options for “star” players are very limited. Sounds like they may get Westbrook and some other trash for Irving. I doubt whatever they get back for KD will be better than 3 firsts, 3 pick swaps, Allen, LaVert, and Dinwiddie. But y’all are sure they will be better off in ‘23 than ‘19?
  11. See also: Al Queda The world needs more of those new lifelike sex robots asap. Sell them cheap on incel message boards and carpet bomb them onto Saudi, Yemen, Oman, and Iran.
  12. Did the posters who said it was about looking cool never dip? You get a nice buzz, sometimes a different buzz when done with alcohol, it’s an appetite suppressant, and keeps you alert for times like driving at night. I never thought it made me look cool and typically hid it. I was only a casual user (2-3 cans a month) in my 20s, then met my future wife who said she wouldn’t date me unless I quit. Quit cold turkey for two years, then went to work (at a biotech company of all places) where 50% of the male employees dipped all the time, at their desks, in conference room meetings, in the car on the way to sales calls. I jumped right back in for a few years until my wife got pregnant 6 years ago. I wouldn’t call it relapsing, but about once a year if doing a long drive by myself I might stop by the gas station and get some bandit pouches for the roadie and it’s a nice nostalgic feeling. Never felt the urge to do it regularly again, but I treat it like the occasional cigar. Good luck to the rest of you quitters!
  13. My 5 yo brought another Omicron home from preschool last Friday. We all got it mid-February as well (PCR confirmed) from their previous daycare. Nobody ever had a fever this round. Unvaxxed 5yo and unvaxxed 3yo with runny nose and cough for 5 days then tested negative. Wife and I are triple Moderna’d plus the previous Omicron infection, and this round my wife was asymptomatic while I had 36 hour headache and stuffy sinus, scratchy throat, barking cough. Today was my third day without symptoms but I still tested positive.
  14. As much as a I hate the Lakers, and Lebron, and Kyrie, it would disgust me to see them make such a one sided trade and get bailed out of their destruction. But as a Rockets fan, I enjoy draft capital being tied to a team with a backcourt of Westbrook and Ben Simmons. That lineup might struggle to hit more 3’s than teams predating the shot clock.
  15. …and more stupid shit like this… Lakers: “Sure we’ll let you have Westbrook for Irving, but only if you throw in Curry as a sweetener!”
  16. Yeah, but you’d think Durant alone would yield at least the S&T Ayton plus two firsts, and the dumb proposal I quoted had the Nets giving up both Durant and Irving for that. Yes, the Spurs were the salary dumpee in a 3 or 4 way trade that accepts Westbrook. I think it had Richardson going back to the Lakers. Spurs got LA ‘27, LA ‘29, and a first from the Suns. The writer must’ve been a Lakers homer based on what LA got vs what they gave up (or dumped).
  17. I’ve seen shit tweets and “news articles” like this nonstop for the past two days. Are Lakers fans and the media thinking if they say it enough, they will convince the Nets and the rest of the world that the Nets should give up Irving for a 2027 first and have to take on Westbrook? All these stories talk about Westbrook like he’s still a star and valued asset. One ridiculous “proposed trade” was 4-way with Suns (get Durant) and Spurs (get dumped with Westbrook for 3 firsts)…the Nets would be giving up Durant and Irving and only getting back Ayton and two firsts…and it’s totes fair that Bron Bron gets Kyrie for Westbrook a single first!
  18. So you believe they traded for Harden against KD’s wishes? If so, I guess he can blame the team for the situation and be justified to move on. But re: the rage in your post, I think you may be confusing my single post for some ongoing debate against KD. I am definitely in the camp against star players 1. bailing on their team while under contract 2. Demanding specific destinations so the current team cannot get fair value in return. It is particularly disgusting when their contractual obligations are made in bad faith (e.g. Deshaun Watson and Texans), or players leave teams in shambles after they pulled the strings to wreck the franchise’s future (Lebron twice in Cleveland, and now in LA).
  19. Ok then the devil’s advocate still says KD can’t hold Brooklyn accountable for having Kyrie and his crazy antics when KD knew what he was signing up for, and presumably endorsed if not requested the Harden trade. Brooklyn’s only real faults were making the stupid Harden trade from Houston, and then making the slightly less stupid Harden-Simmons trade. I hope the NFL and NBA owners (sorry, “governors”) take control and put their feet down on these star divas demanding trades to specific teams. It is uncompetitive and terrible for teams and fan bases losing homegrown stars, or in this case stars that the franchise mortgaged the future to get. The boogie man is that one team tells a star to take a hike and they get blacklisted by agents and figure free agents. Ok well what if all the teams agree to put an end to this bullshit?
  20. Yeah, well my expectations after TLJ and the box office bust couldn’t have been lower and I found Solo to be merely worse than Attack of the Clones. I was surprised by and enjoyed the Maul cameo too.
  21. The Lakers should offer Westbrook to Minnesota for two firsts and cash considerations.
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