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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. I've got the Pro Controller, as well as the tempered glass for when the kids take it on the go. Should I get some kind of headset for online play?
  2. Fair question. They're yankees. That said, father-in-law owns a smoker, he's just not apt at using it. And because the rest of his family is sick of eating his dry AF brisket, they drafted me to try using his smoker.
  3. I've been asked to smoke a brisket this weekend for my in-laws, only problem is, due to not owning a smoker, I've never attempted it before. How best should I proceed, including what and where to purchase the meat?
  4. I watched it and came away with two opinions. 1) I think she probably did it. 2) There is reasonable doubt as to whether she did it.
  5. Looks like Fortnite is now on Switch. So far, I’ve only been playing Mario Odysssy with my 5-year-old. What do I need to know, and what accessories do I need?
  6. What's this guy's deal? Is he just some big fucking nerd?
  7. An old college roommate had a mild interest in playing sports--he should have, he was 6'7''--but could not give a shit about watching it on TV. We went to the first game our freshman year together, and possibly also OU that year, but those were the only games he went to while a student or since. He didn't watch any on TV or follow any teams at all. Ironically, he later roomed with a friend of ours on the '05 championship team. Our walk-on friend actually liked that he was sports-agnostic because he was never bothered by constant questions about the team or season.
  8. OU in ‘05 was great, so were several of the A&M games in the aughts, but ‘08 Mizzou was personally very satisfying. Their fans were so cocky on 6th Street the night before, chanting ‘n shit, and then we mudholed them in a very roccous DKR-Memorial. Just an awesome display that night.
  9. We sometimes called it Indian Football... I guess that's not much better.
  10. Last episode was definitely the most boring this season.
  11. Definitely one of the more intriguing shows I'm watching right now. I just wish they'd tell more about what's going on on the larger national scale.
  12. Anybody still playing? Currently there are four I cycle between. -HQ is still the gold standard. I even finally won one the other day. -Cash Show seems to be next best even though I'm only ever winning a few cents per game... at least that slowly adds up? -The Q kinda sucks. The payouts are incredibly low. I've only won a few times but only adding up to a few dollars. Also, they make you wait until you've hit $25 until you can cash out. -Halftime Live is all sports, but I guess I'm not a big enough of a sports nerd to have ever won. R.I.P. Beat the Q. That one was good for a time, but has now been on "hiatus" for months. Any other good ones y'all play?
  13. I didn’t notice this until now, but damn, you’re not kidding.
  14. Do we really blame Profar there? Isn’t that more on Tocci or the first base coach for trying to reach 2nd in the first place?
  15. We got really fucking lucky there.
  16. Canceled. Was on my DVR, but overall, pretty "meh." Can't say I'm surprised.
  17. This is likely not news to a lot of you, but this truth was made painfully obvious to me over the weekend. The oldest turned 5 and had begged for the better part of a year to go after seeing commercials. Admittedly, I enjoyed it as a kid, what with arcade games like After Burner, X-Men, Ninja Turtles, and The Simpsons, one where you stuck your head through a "periscope" and sunk enemy warships, not to mention air hockey and bubble hockey, and the unbeatable ball pit. Now, however, all those things are gone. Nearly every game is some sort of cheap "spin-the-wheel"-type game that would spit out a few tickets at a time, and the few arcade games they did have were incredibly tame. I'll definitely side with the wife next time and refuse the kid's request at a return trip.
  18. Saint Austin

    Dallas | BBQ

    I went to Meshack's last week. Despite being in a neighboring town, it's a tremendous pain in the ass to get from one end of Garland to another, but when I found myself near its downtown for work, I checked it out. "Me-shack" definitely isn't a clever name; from the outside it looks like a real shithole. The BBQ was pretty solid though. I thought it was odd how the brisket had sauce added when they handed it to me, but it was still really good, as was the sausage .(I didn't order ribs this time.) If I'm in the neighborhood again, I'd return.
  19. In my experience, weddings during football season are also usually ones without an open bar. These people are deplorable.
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