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Everything posted by BigDHornfan

  1. watching that made my feet itch. FUCK THAT.
  2. It’s good but not worth going out of the way to hunt for. I’ve had better RR SiB picks.
  3. Hey Ton, You want me have the kid go down and get some Baja Fresh? Fucking line kills me everytime I hear it.
  4. No. Are those still a thing? Haven’t seen one in forever
  5. Managed to get the last one at Total Wine today. Good start to the weekend.
  6. Holy shit. https://kj97.iheart.com/content/2022-07-07-texas-man-sees-craziest-catch-ever-at-port-aransas-pier/?fbclid=IwAR2Gom6CK2W77kiF6Cwo1oCOOrklnxa4pOqn0Ol_Uay5ze_L2FYnoOSE368
  7. Did y’all just say I’m from the internet? [emoji23]
  8. He also slept in a race car bed at Dirk’s house. Jesus has Grubes really been gone 10 years? Damn, time flies.
  9. It’s like syphilis. It came back.
  10. around 250 secondary. $40 retail
  11. The boy is walking around the house the last couple of days singing "I put my balls on your jaws." I am leaving when he hits puberty. He's almost 10
  12. I will try it, but give me that good old 95/5 MGP rye any day over that.
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