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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. The fury over shit like this is entirely grassroots. There's a shitload Democrats could be doing to make this (and that 10 year old rape victim from Indiana who had to flee the state for an abortion, and other similar stories) a much bigger story, but they're either too scared to look too "pro-abortion" or they just really don't understand modern messaging at all. Meanwhile GOP messaging recently resulted in a NY Times front page yesterday that had four fucking different stories about campus speech.
  2. Sorry man, but this is an all-timer forest from the trees post right here. It's not fucking obvious at all that she was free to get an abortion in Texas without judicial clearance! There's three fucking intentionally ambiguous laws against it!
  3. I wonder how many more days it will take for Dems to realize they should be making this a big fucking story.
  4. We're going to have to become a lot more comfortable with the fact that we're going to need to physically confront people like that in our own lives.
  5. God damnit people, stop engaging with sheeeit. Don't you even recognize the long-time trolls that've been here forever?
  6. Right. If anything, to Roberts' mind Trump makes it harder by drawing attention to what he's doing. If Roberts helps Trump, it will be because he thinks it's beneficial to the longer-term project of Republican political control, but he'll only help to the extent he thinks he can maintain his pretense as a neutral umpire while doing so.
  7. Roberts would also very much prefer Trump not yell "HEY I SUPPORT JOHN ROBERTS ELIMINATING BLACK PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO VOTE BECAUSE THEY'RE ANIMALS NOT PEOPLE!" on truth social while he's eliminating what remains of the VRA.
  8. You know what the Congressional vote was on the law Shelby v. Holder overturned (without stating what provision of the Constitution the legislation supposedly violated)?
  9. On the grounds that it infringes on other people's religious practice. That's fucking easy. More importantly, you don't need to have a deep knowledge of the law to understand that the "on what grounds" question is the wrong question, because they have the power to say what the law is. The law is not magic. Its words are not incantations that prevent Republicans from carrying out their most heinous plans. It's just words printed on paper. The only actual restraint on what they will do is social pressure: Kavanaugh's fear that his wife's friends will sneer at him, or Roberts' fear that enough liberals will be around to write history and it won't look kindly on him if he drops his pretenses. And at its furthest point, every Republican judge's fear that if they go too far and that an angry mob will burn their house down with them in it (though there are a few of them that really don't seem to give a shit).
  10. It's almost 2024 and there's still people thinking "the GOP won't go THAT far." For fuck's sake.
  11. The actual malpractice would be any lawyer advising someone like Cox and/or her doctor that so long as the doctor says the right magical legal words in the correct order, they won't need to worry about civil or criminal liability. The law doesn't work that way and Ken Paxton and the Texas Supreme Court sure as fuck don't work that way.
  12. Different cases, different times. This kind of "they didn't help him then so they won't later" strict logical thinking is just not how shit works in real life. I don't think they'll grant him full immunity, but I do think they'll try to give him some sort of partial immunity and impose some new procedural hurdles that screw with the timing of the case. Roberts is good at issuing rulings that don't seem to help Trump, but delay things in a way that gives him what he wants (see his tax return cases).
  13. This is absolutely not true. There was an exodus of career employees from the various agencies, most notably for purposes of maintaining the actual rule of law, from the Department of Justice. It's just that those were people whose names the public doesn't know and CNN wouldn't cover.
  14. The less hyperbolic version is that they're not bound by precedent and will happily rule one way for Republican presidents and the other for Democratic presidents. They've already been doing this on lots of administrative law shit. They were much more deferential to Trump than they've been to Biden.
  15. That decision was a fucking masterclass in bullshit and you don’t need to be touting it like fucking texashammer as actually enabling any medically reasonable abortion.
  16. Texashammer is apparently a Texas Supreme Court justice.
  17. That would be giving them exactly what they want and would reward them for their horrible behavior. Fuck that and fuck them.
  18. Ron's campaign flaming out before we even get to 2024 has been one of this year's little unexpected joys.
  19. They won't, because they want Trump to win.
  20. Agree with all of this. I have no sympathy for the university presidents who were dumb enough to get tripped up by Stefanik. Though I think the reason they did has as much to do with their legal preparation (and the resulting attempt to be legally correct in answers) as it does with campus progressive maximalism. I only just realized this, but the Penn president that resigned was a Constitutional law scholar, which also helps explain why she answered how she did. It's infinitely preferable for university presidents to be academics rather than fascist activists like Christopher Rufo or even business dipshits who think a university should be run like a for-profit business, but that doesn't mean stuffy academics don't have their own drawbacks. A huge one being that they're usually cloistered weirdos with big blind spots regarding modern culture war issues. Which, considering that campuses are often the front lines of culture war shit, is more than a small problem.
  21. Sure, but to the extent someone thinks reform is needed and needs to be championed, they really need to save that shit for later. Jumping in on a fascist PR campaign isn't going to help achieve anything but fascist reform. The rule is always "you do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to fascists."
  22. Oh for fuck's sake. Conservatives in America have been attacking colleges as liberal indoctrination factories for as long as we've had colleges. It has always been, currently is, and will always be part of an organized effort to delegitimize colleges in the eyes of the American public, to justify defunding and degrading a college education because a college education typically makes someone less likely to buy into their bullshit. Anyone who isn't literally a GOP operative doesn't need to parrot their propaganda. Yes, the university presidents were stupid to fall for Stefanik's trap, but that doesn't mean CNN talking heads need to promote her propaganda. For fuck's sake, she promotes the white genocide conspiracy theory! She doesn't care about Jews!
  23. He did what they all want to do: shoot evil libs.
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