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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hookem2147

  1. These guys are human. They absolutely will raise an eyebrow if a successful coach is pushed out the door with an overall resume that would make 98% of schools throw a parade. And if the coach himself doesn't raise an eyebrow, his agent certainly will. When any school, not just Texas, shitcans a bunch of coaches in a short amount of time or shitcans one that has been pretty successful overall, candidates are going to wonder. The only counter-argument I'll allow is the 'you don't want to be the guy who follows the legend, you want to be the guy who follows the guy who followed the legend'.
  2. If you are going to get rid of a coach who has won 3 conference titles and been to Omaha 3 times in a span of 7 seasons, the next guy better be a slam dunk. Kirk Saarloos, who I think is a good coach, is not a slam dunk. The sample size is extremely small. Good for him for taking TCU to Omaha last season, but they were picked to win the league and then finished 4th and were on the tournament bubble heading into the season's final weeks.
  3. When LSU comes to Austin for a 3 game series next year, Disch Falk will be 50% purple all 3 games.
  4. I just watched a game at Disch Falk Field where almost 1 out of every 3 people that attended were rooting for the other team.
  5. This fan base is in for a rude awakening in the SEC and portions of it has nothing to do with the head coach.
  6. This is going to be one of those Duplantier outings that makes Pierce think he can be a late inning guy again
  7. Recruiting. And they didn’t want to lose Longley when the 3rd assistant rule went into effect so someone was the odd man out between Rodriguez, Williams and Miller. Rodriguez had a 2 year contract and Miller has been Pierce’s right hand man for a while. Longley is basically a mini Tulo in terms of how much the players respect and like him.
  8. Josh Stewart was a laughing stock when he was here. Couldn’t throw a strike to save his life and was an Aggie legacy.
  9. That class was so bad. Ace Whitehead, Luke Harrison and then 6 dudes who didn’t make it out of year 1 at Texas.
  10. We have guys on this roster who didn’t even get recruiting letters from most SEC schools
  11. Shaw is broken coming back from an arm injury. Witt has been broken and Harrison looks worse than he did as a freshman. Fun stuff
  12. He has some funk that makes it look a little harder, but if he doesn’t sink it then it can get pounded.
  13. Shaw (walk-on) throwing to Schuessler (walk-on) against the #7 team in the country.
  14. Good Witt Decent Harrison Good Grubbs At least we have some stuff to build on.
  15. 89 with command is sometimes (a lot of time) better than 95 with no command or as straight as an arrow.
  16. Damn I hadn’t thought about this. I’ll pass along to Pierce. Probably told the hitters not to hit so his pitching would look better.
  17. I can’t figure out if Grubbs is a circle of trust guy or we are down/need innings guy.
  18. They will throw Aschenbeck the rest of the way if they have to. This matters more than a stupid series against Rhode Island.
  19. It takes away more runs than it allows, which is why teams do it.
  20. 16th in the country in first strike percentage extend the pitching coach!
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